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☀️Ratha Saptami - रथ सप्तमी

Ratha Saptami Date: Sunday, 25 January 2026
Ratha Saptami

Saptami Tithi is dedicated to Bhagwan Surya, Surya is said to be sitting on a chariot with seven white horses. Shukla Paksha Saptami in the month of Magha is known as Rath Saptami or Magha Saptami. It is believed that Bhagwan Surya Dev started enlightening the whole world on Rath Saptami, i.e. it was also considered as the birthday of Bhagwan Surya. Hence this day is also defined as Surya Jayanti.

सूर्यग्रहणतुल्या तु शुक्ला माघस्य सप्तमी ।
अचला सप्तमी दुर्गा शिवरात्रिर्महाभरः ॥

Rath Saptami is considered highly auspicious for daan-punya. One should take a bath during Arunodaya on Rath Saptami. Bathing before sunrise is a healthy tradition and keeps it free from all kinds of diseases. Due to this belief, Rath Saptami is also known as Arogya Saptami. This day is also known as Achala Saptami among santh’s.

After bathing on this day, at the time of sunrise, Surya Bhagwan should be worshiped by offering Arghyadana*. After this, a lamp of pure ghee should be lit and worshiped the Surya Bhagwan with camphor, sunlight and flowers. By bathing in the morning and worshiping Suryadev, long life, good health and prosperity are attained.

* Arghyadan: By facing in front of Bhagwan Surya, slowly pour water in a salutation pose, by folded hands with the help of small kalash.

Related NameRathasapthami, Magha Saptami, Surya Jayanti, Arogya Saptami, Achala Saptami, Bhanu Saptami
Begins TithiMagh Shukla Saptami
ReasonWorship of Sun god Surya
CelebrationsWorship God Surya, Bath in Sarayu River, Daan, Donations, Bhajan, Kirtan

रथ सप्तमी हिन्दी में पढ़ें

सप्तमी तिथि भगवान सूर्य को समर्पित है, सूर्य को सात सफेद घोड़ों वाले रथ पर विराजमान माना गया है। माघ महीने में शुक्ल पक्ष सप्तमी को रथ सप्तमी या माघ सप्तमी के रूप में जाना जाता है।

Whan is Ratha Saptami?

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 [Delhi]

Rath Saptami Snan Muhurat - 5:23 AM to 7:08 AM

Rath Saptami Arunodaya Time - 6:43 AM

Rath Saptami Observable Sunrise Time – 7:08 AM

Saptami Tithi - 4 February 2025 4:37 AM - 5 February 2025 2:30 AM

Related Information

Futures Dates
13 February 2027
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Magh Shukla Saptami
Ends Tithi
Magh Shukla Saptami
January / February
Worship of Sun god Surya
Worship God Surya, Bath in Sarayu River, Daan, Donations, Bhajan, Kirtan
Imp Places
Arunodaya, Sarayu Ghat.
Past Dates
4 February 2025, 16 February 2024, 28 January 2023, 7 February 2022, 19 February 2021, 1 February 2020, 12 February 2019
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