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🌻Phool Dei - फूलदेई

Phool Dei Date: Friday, 14 March 2025
Phool Dei

On the day of Meen Sankranti, children put flowers on the doorsteps of homes while singing songs, this festival is called Phuldei. At some places, children also put rice along with flowers. This is called Phool Sangrad in Garhwal and Phuldei festival in Kumaon. The children who put flowers in this festival are called Fulari.

Phuldei is known by other names like Fuldei, Chamma Dei, Daini Dwar, Phool Sankranti and Phool Sangrad etc. For example, the most famous Sankranti festival, Makar Sankranti usually falls on January 14. Similarly, being on the day of Meen Sankranti, this Phuldei festival takes place on 14th March or 15th March every year.

Most of the Hindu festivals are celebrated according to the position of the moon, so they have a fixed date. But festivals based on Sankranti are celebrated according to the position of the Earth's circle around the Sun. Therefore no fixed date can be fixed according to the Hindu calendar. Therefore, the festival of Phuldei can be held in any of the Hindi month of Phalgun or Chaitra.

Popular Songs by Pandavaj Group:
Chala Phulari Phulon Ko,
Sauda-sauda Phul Biraula
Bhaunron Ka Jootha Phul Na Todyaan
Mwararyun Ka Jootha Phool Na Laiyaan

Related NameChamma Dei, Deni Dwar, Fool Sankranti, Chaitra Sankranti
Begins TithiPhalguna / Chaitra (Meen Sankranti)
ReasonDue to Pisces Sankranti.
CelebrationsChildren put flowers at the threshold.

फूलदेई हिन्दी में पढ़ें

संक्रांति के दिन घरों की देहरी / दहलीज पर बच्चे फूल डालते हैं, इस त्यौहार को फूलदेई कहा जाता है।..

Phooldei Wishes in Hindi

फूल देई - देहरी फूलों से भरपूर और मंगलकारी हो।
छम्मा देई - देहरी, क्षमाशील अर्थात सबकी रक्षा करे।
दैणी द्वार - देहरी, घर व समय सबके लिए दांया अर्थात सफल हो।
भरि भकार - सबके घरों में अन्न का पूर्ण भंडार हो।
आपको सपरिवार चैत्र संक्रान्ति और फूल देई की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें

Related Information

Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Phalguna / Chaitra (Meen Sankranti)
Ends Tithi
Phalguna / Chaitra (Meen Sankranti)
Festival Basedon Sankranti
Due to Pisces Sankranti.
Children put flowers at the threshold.
Imp Places
Home, Mandir/Temple, Kumaon, Uttarakhand.
Past Dates
14 March 2024, 15 March 2023, 14 March 2022, 14 March 2021
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