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☀️Pana Sankranti - पना संक्रांति

Pana Sankranti Date: Monday, 14 April 2025
Pana Sankranti

According to Hindu Panchang, the day on which Bhagwan Surya enters Aries Shine, Aries Sankranti is celebrated. In Odisha it is called Pana Sankranti and Odia New Year festival is also celebrated on this day. This year April 14 is Pana Sankranti. On this occasion, the people of Odisha offer each other the endless heartfelt wishes for Pana Sankranti and New Year. Also, there is a law to drink sorbet made of fruits, curd, sattu and other items on this day. It is celebrated by different names in different parts of India. Where Baisakhi is celebrated in North India.

At the same time, Vishu is celebrated on this day in Kerala and Puthandu in Tamil Nadu. While Bohag Bihu is celebrated in Assam.

Only on this day, the sun completely rests on the equator on two occasions, such as the ‘Aries solstice’ and the ‘Libra solstice’. The day is named after Pana, a drink. The day is celebrated with great joy, social, cultural and religious performances.

Pana Sankranti Pouranik Katha:
The reason for the day it is celebrated is that it is the first day of the solar year. Only on this day, the sun completely rests on the equator on two occasions, such as the Aries solstice and the Libra solstice. After the Aries solstice, the sun rises in the northern direction where India lies to the north of the equator. Therefore, from this year on the first day of Sun, which is Misha Sankranti.

According to the tradition of Odia, Pan Sankranti is considered the birthday of the Hindu deity Hanuman. His loving devotion to the Vishnu avtar Ram in the Ramayan is legendary. His temples along with Shiva and Surya (Sun) Bhagwan are revered in the new year. On this day Hindu Bhagwan’s also visit temples.

Pana Sankranti Celebration:
On this day, people use a small pot filled with \"pana\" or a sweet drink of mishri and water is poured on the basil plant. A hole is made at the bottom of the vessel that allows water to fall from the vessel, representing the rain. The festival is widely celebrated in some towns and villages, in coastal areas, as a rigorous ritual observance in Odisha.

Related NameOdia New Year
Begins TithiChaitra / Vaisakha (Mesha Sankranti)
ReasonOdia New Year.
CelebrationsSweet Drink, Worship, Food, Fair.

पना संक्रांति हिन्दी में पढ़ें

हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार, जिस दिन भगवान सूर्य मेष राशि में प्रवेश करते हैं, उस दिन मेष संक्रांति मनाई जाती है। ओडिशा में इसे पना संक्रांति कहा जाता है और इस दिन नए साल का त्योहार भी मनाया जाता है।

Related Information

Futures Dates
14 April 2026
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Chaitra / Vaisakha (Mesha Sankranti)
Ends Tithi
Chaitra / Vaisakha (Mesha Sankranti)
Odia New Year.
Sweet Drink, Worship, Food, Fair.
Imp Places
Odisha, Coastal Region of Odisha, Home.
Past Dates
13 April 2024, 14 April 2023, 14 April 2022, 14 April 2021
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