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✨Masi Magam - मासी मागम

Masi Magam Date: Tuesday, 3 March 2026
Masi Magam

Masi Magam is a Tamil Hindu festival also known as Masi Makam. This year the festival of Masi Magam will be celebrated on Wednesday, 12 March 2025. Mahi Magam is popular not only in Tamil Nadu, but also in major Tamil-Hindu places. This festival is celebrated to attain salvation.

Masi Magam is observed as an auspicious day and the Tirthavari (a ceremonial bath offered to the deity) is performed as a ritual.

In the morning devotees gather at the seashore to take a dip in the water and offer their prayers to the Bhagwan. Rahu, Ketu and Kalsarp dosha also get redressal.

How is Masi Magam Ritual Celebrated?
Devotees take a dip in the ocean to offer tarpanam to their ancestors. Worship and chanting are performed and recited as a ritual in the hope of blessings from the Bhagwan. Masi Magha is an occasion to seek blessings from one's ancestors.
Masi Magam is celebrated not only in India but also in Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.

Ravidas Jayanti in North India and Lalita Jayanti festivals are celebrated on Magh Shukla Purnima Tithi.

Related NameMasi Magam Festival, Masi Makam, Mahi Magam, Masi Magh, Masi Magham
Begins TithiMagh Shukla Purnima (Tamil)

मासी मागम हिन्दी में पढ़ें

मासी मागम एक तमिल हिंदू त्योहार है जिसे मासी मकम के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। माही मगम न केवल तमिलनाडु में, बल्कि तमिल-हिंदू प्रमुख स्थानों में भी लोकप्रिय है।


According to scriptures, during the recreation of the universe, Brahma requested bhagwan Shiva to begin his creation from Kumbakonam, a holy temple town in Tamil Nadu. Bhagwan Shiva found a pot full of nectar on the day of a Magha Nakshtra in the Tamil month of Masi. Hence Masi Magham is an ideal day to lead a healthy life.

Related Information

Futures Dates
20 February 202710 March 2028
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Magh Shukla Purnima (Tamil)
Ends Tithi
Magh Shukla Purnima (Tamil)
February / March
The Popular Festival of Tamil Nadu.
Imp Places
Tamil Nadu, India, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia.
Past Dates
12 March 2025, 24 February 2024, 6 March 2023, 16 February 2022
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