Updated: Oct 20, 2024 06:41 AM |
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Karwa Chauth Date: Friday, 10 October 2025
In Hindu Sanatan Dharma, Karva Chauth / Karwa Chauth is considered as the most auspicious day for married women. On this festival, women dress up beautifully, applying henna Mehendi and makeover them to look like a bride. Women do strict fasting for the longevity and prosperity of their Parents-in-Law and husband. These fasting practices are done in different states all over India according to the followed rituals and beliefs.
Karva Chauth Shubh Muhurta - Sunday, October 20, 2024
Karva Chauth Puja Muhurta - 5:46 PM to 7:02 PM
Karva Chauth Moonrise Time - 7:54 PM
Karva Chauth is more popular in the northern parts of India (Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh) than the southern parts. Karva is referred to clay pot while Chauth referred to fourth. It occurs on the fourth day of the full moon in the month of Kartik as per the Hindu calendar.
Generally, parents offer jewellery, clothes, gifts to their married daughters on this day. All the women remember their marriages, adorn themselves once again as in a marriage.
There are also many stories associated with Karva Chauth takes places in different regions of India. In this festival, a variety of items like Karwa (earthen pot) are collected and offered to Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva for indulgence. This day does not end until the moon rises at the night. Mainly elderly ladies have been observed narrating a spiritual story before the fast is complete as per the rituals.
It begins when the sun rises and ends just after worshipping the moon and prayers are recited at night. In this fast, women cannot consume a drop of water and food items until the moon appears. When the moon shows, firstly women offer water to the moon and then break their fast. The festival is a glorified day for women having various festivities and joy. It is the biggest festival commenced by the Hindus in all regions of India.
The items used in the Karva Chauth fast are as follows:
Pooja thali, lota, strainer - to see husband, lamp of worship, picture of Karva Mata, Karva, Sink - symbol of power of Mata Karva
Related Name | Karak Chaturthi |
Begins Tithi | Kartika Krishna Chaturthi |
Reason | Married Women Fasting For The Long Life of Her Husband. |
Celebrations | Fast, Fasting By Married Women |
हिंदू सनातन पद्धति में करवा चौथ सुहागिनों का महत्वपूर्ण त्यौहार माना गया है। इस पर्व पर सुहागिन पतिव्रता महिलाएं हाथों में मेहंदी व सोलह श्रृंगार कर अपने सास-ससुर एवं पति की दीर्घायु के लिए व्रत रखतीं हैं।
Karwa Chauth Puja Method
❀ Start the fast of Karwa Chauth by getting up in the Brahma Muhurta and keep a waterless fast for the whole day. At the time of worship in the night, get ready with solah shringar and draw a picture of Karwa Chauth worship on the wall or put a calendar brought from the market.
❀ Make an icon by mixing turmeric in rice flour and draw seven circles on the ground with it. Keep this picture made in the ground over this picture and place a new lamp on it.
❀ You put 21 seams in the Karwa and put kheel batashe (what is stuffed in the Karwa), sawdust and whole grains inside the Karwa.
❀ Light the lamp placed over the Karwa. Keep all the ingredients of flour, sweet pudding, kheer, dish and bhog near it.
❀ Rice flour prasad is mainly prepared in this puja and this prasad should be consumed first after water while breaking the fast.
❀ Along with Karwa, you can also offer suhaag items. If you are offering honey, then offer sixteen makeups. Along with the worship of Karwa, keep water in a pot and offer Arghya to the moon. While worshiping, recite Karwa Chauth fasting story.
❀ After the moon comes out, look at the husband through a sieve and then see the moon. Offer water to the moon and pray for the long life of the husband.
*If you worship Karwa Chauth with the method described here, then good relations with your husband will remain and the happiness and prosperity of the house will also remain.
Popular Kathayen
1) साहूकार के सात लड़के, एक लड़की की कहानी:
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संपूर्ण कथा पढ़ें
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संपूर्ण कथा पढ़ें
3) पतिव्रता करवा धोबिन की कथा:
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संपूर्ण कथा पढ़ें
Importance of Sargi in Karva Chauth
Sargi is a type of plate adorned with food. Which consists of pre-morning food items that married women get from their mother-in-law or any other elderly person in the house. Apart from the food in the sargi plate, there are 16 ingredients of makeup, nuts, fruits, sweets etc.
On the day of Karva Chauth, the mother-in-law gives Sargi to her daughter-in-law. In the absence of a mother-in-law, it can also be given by the sister-in-laws. The practice of sargi is often seen more among the Indian Punjabi community.
Auspicious time to eat Sargi:
According to beliefs, Sargi should be consumed before sunrise in the morning i.e. in Brahma Muhurta on the day of Karva Chauth. Eat Sargi about 2 hours before sunrise on Karva Chauth.
Method to eat Sargi:
❀ Wake up in the morning even before Brahma Muhurta and after taking bath etc., wear clean clothes. And take the blessings of the mother-in-law and take the sargi.
❀ Eat only sattvik things, otherwise you can use fruits and dry fruits. Do not consume dishes made of oil and spices in sargi.
❀ In the plate of Sargi, you can keep sattvik things like sweets, fruits, milk, curd.
Related Information
Futures Dates
29 October 202618 October 2027
Yearly / Annual
Begins Tithi
Kartika Krishna Chaturthi
Ends Tithi
Kartika Krishna Chaturthi
October / November
Married Women Fasting For The Long Life of Her Husband.
Fast, Fasting By Married Women
Past Dates
20 October 2024, 1 November 2023, 13 October 2022, 24 October 2021, 4 November 2020, 17 October 2019
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