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💦Haridwar Kumbh - हरिद्वार कुंभ

Haridwar Kumbh Date: Wednesday, 14 January 2026
Haridwar Kumbh

Kumbh Mela is the most sacred pilgrimage among Hindu pilgrimages. This festival is celebrated in Haridwar with an interval of twelve years.

पद्मिनी नायके मेषे कुम्भराशि गते गुरौ ।
गंगा द्वारे भवेद्योगः कुम्भनाम्रातदोत्तमः ॥

During the churning of the sea, a ghada full of Amrit also emerged. There was a struggle for Amrit between the bhagwan and the rakshas. At the command of Devraj Indra, when his son Jayant was trying to run away with Amrit Kumbh, some rakshas followed him. The struggle for Amrit-Kumbh continued for twelve days in heaven and a few drops of Amrit fell at four places from that Kumbh. These places were Haridwar, Prayag, Ujjain and Nashik on earth. The holy rivers of these places got credit for receiving drops of Amrit.

Kumbh is held in each place equally after twelve years. The count of heaven for the Amrit-Kumbh led to a struggle for twelve days, which is the same as twelve years for the people of the earth. Different nakshtra and dates of Kumbh festival are fixed in each place.

The ghada is also called Kumbh, so the huge spiritual ceremony of these Amrit-derived places came to be known as Kumbh.

Related NameHaridwar Kumbh Mela, Haridwar Kumbh Snan, Haridwar Maha Kumbh
Begins TithiMakar Sankranti
CelebrationsDaan, Ganga Snaan, Bathing on River

हरिद्वार कुंभ हिन्दी में पढ़ें

कुंभ मेला हिन्दू तीर्थयात्राओं में सर्वाधिक पावन तीर्थयात्रा है। बारह वर्षों के अंतराल से यह पर्व हरिद्वार में मनाया जाता है।

Haridwar Kumbh 2021 Main Bath Dates

1) Makar Sankranti: 14 January, Thursday 2021
2) Paush Purnima: 28 January, Thursday 2021 (Purnima Snaan)
3) Mouni Amavasya: 11 February, Thursday 2021
4) Basant Panchami: 16 February, Tuesday 2021
5) Maghi Purnima: 27 February, Saturday 2021
6) Mahashivratri: 11 March, Thursday 2021 (Shahi Snaan)
7) Somavati Amavasya: 12 April, Monday 2021 (Shahi Snaan)
8) Chaitra Shukla Pratipada: April 13, Tuesday 2021 (Navratri) (New Year)
9) Mesh Sankranti: 14 April, Wednesday 2021 (Shahi Snaan)
10) Ram Navami: 21 April, Wednesday 2021
11) Chaitra Purnima: 27 April, Tuesday 2021 (Shri Hanuman Janmotsav) (Shahi Snaan)

Related Information

12 Years
2 Months Days
Begins Tithi
Makar Sankranti
Ends Tithi
Chaitra Shukla Purnima
January / February / March / April
Daan, Ganga Snaan, Bathing on River
Imp Places
Ganga in Haridwar
Past Dates
27 April 2021, 21 April 2021, 14 April 2021, 13 April 2021, 12 April 2021, 11 March 2021, 27 February 2021, 16 February 2021, 11 February 2021, 28 January 2021, 14 January 2021

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