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✨Daslakshan Parva - दशलक्षण पर्व

Daslakshan Parva Date: Thursday, 28 August 2025
Daslakshan Parva

Paryushan is the main festival of Jainism. Shvetambara of Jainism is celebrated for 8 days and 10 days in Digambara community. Which are also known as Dasalakshan Parva in popular language. The following are the ten signs of Jainism:
1) Uttam Kshyama, 2) Uttam Mardav, 3) Uttam Arjava, 8) Uttam Shauch, 5) Uttam Satya, 7) Uttam Sanyam, 4) Uttam Tapa, 7) Uttam Tyaag, 7) Uttam Akinchanya, 10) Uttam Brahmacharya

The basic purpose of the festival of Paryushan is to purify the soul and concentrate on the necessary genres, purify the environment and follow the speech of saints and scholars.

* The dates of the Dashlakshana festival are given on this page according to the Digambara Jains, the dates of the Shvetambara Jains will be different from the dates given on the page.

Paryushan (Shwetambar) : 8 September 2024 - 17 September 2024

Related NameParyushana, Sugandh Dashmi, Dhoop Dashami, Sugandh Dashain, Dhoop Dashain
Begins TithiBhadrapada Shukla Panchami
CelebrationsFast, Bhajan, Keertan, Daan, Jhakiyan, Sobha Yatra, Pravachan

दशलक्षण पर्व हिन्दी में पढ़ें

पर्यूषण जैन धर्म का मुख्य पर्व है। जिन्हें प्रचलित भाषा में दसलक्षण पर्व के नाम से भी संबोधित किया जाता है।

Sugandh Dashain

पर्व सुगंध दशै दिन जिनवर पूजै अति हरषाई,
सुगंध देह तीर्थंकर पद की पावै शिव सुखदाई ॥

Sugandha Dashmi is a very important festival in Digambar Jainism. On the day of Dashami falling on Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha under Dasalakshan festival, all the people of Jain society celebrate Sugandha Dashami festival. By observing this fast methodically, our inauspicious deeds will be destroyed and we will attain virtue, salvation and perfect body. On the day of Sugandh Dashami, you renounce the five sins, ie violence, lies, theft, maliciousness and attachment.

On the day of Sugandh Dashami, devotees of Jain society go to Jain temples and offer incense to twenty-four Tirthankaras and pray to the Lord Hay Bhagwan I take care of your name and wish for Moksha. This makes the atmosphere highly aromatic and clean.

On the day of Dashami, especially in all temples, beautiful Mandal Vidhans are decorated with special decorations and jhakiyaan are made to explaining religion. The Sugandh Dashami Katha is also recited at night in the temples. Sugandh Dashai is also known as Sugandh Dashami, Dhupi Dashami and Dhupi Dashai.

Sugandha Dashmi Arghya
सुगंध दशमी को पर्व भादवा शुक्ल में,
सब इन्द्रादिक देव आय मधि लोक में ।
जिन अकृत्रिम धाम धूप खेवै तहां,
हम भी पूजत आह्वान करिकै यहां ॥

Kshama Vani Diwas

The festival of Anant Chaturdashi is celebrated on the last day of Paryushan. And the next day all the people apologize to each other, this day is known as Kshama Divas. In this festival, all human beings ask apology to animals, insects and different persons for all the unknown mistakes. It is considered to be superior in both religions and to apologize.

Apology Message:
करबद्ध हैं नमन
मित्र सखा सभी जीवंत
हो अगर भूल कोई मुझसे
तो क्षमाप्रार्थी हूँ मैं सबसे
यह अनमोल भेंट देकर मुझे
कृतज्ञ करे इस जीवन मैं
उत्तम क्षमा

Importance of Daslakshan Parv and it’s Acharan

These ten days are very sacred for the followers of Jainism, hence people keep fast during these days. They eat food at one time or even those who do not keep fast, they definitely eat food before sunset.

The first day of Dasalakshan festival is the best forgiveness
It is the first of the 10 religions mentioned in the Tattvartha Sutra of the Jain text. In which we ask for forgiveness from those people with whom we knowingly or unknowingly have behaved badly or whom we have hurt. We forgive those who have treated us badly. When you ask for forgiveness from others or forgive others, it helps the person's soul to find the right path, thereby achieving right philosophy. Samyak Darshan is actually the first path to attain supreme bliss and salvation.

Uttam Mardav is the second day of Dasalakshana festival
The second day of Dasalakshan festival is celebrated as Uttam Mardav. It removes the pride of a person and motivates him to bring softness in behavior. Many times a person becomes egoistic and arrogant after getting money, wealth and position. He considers himself supreme and others inferior. But actually all these things are mortal and one day you will be away from these things. In such a situation, instead of running after these mortal things or being proud of them, treat everyone with humility and be friendly towards all living beings.

Uttam Arjav is the third day of Dasalakshan festival
The third day of Dasalakshan festival is Uttam Arjava, which emphasizes on the purity of feelings of a person. This tells us that by living life deceitfully, a person always has to suffer, hence keep a simple nature as much as possible. Also, by leaving all attachments and bad deeds, one can attain supreme bliss and salvation with a simple nature.

Uttam Shaucha is the fourth day of Dasalakshana festival
Uttam Shauchha, the fourth day of Daslakshana festival, teaches us that we should not get attached to anything. When a person is attached to something then he cannot get freedom from this world. A person should be happy with whatever he has received with a pure heart and should also thank God. To be content in life is the real happiness. If you try to find happiness in material resources and wealth, you are actually deluding yourself.

The fifth day of Dasalakshan festival is the best truth
The fifth day of Dasalakshan Parva is Uttama Satya, which teaches one that truth is necessary to know the nature of the soul. When a person makes his mind and soul simple and pure, then truth becomes his life. Keep in mind that lying adds to your bad karma, due to which it becomes very difficult for a person to get rid of worldly illusion.

The sixth day of Dasalakshan festival is the Uttam Sanyam
The sixth day of Dasalakshan festival is Uttam Sanyam, which is also celebrated as Dhoop Dashami. On this day people understand the importance of having restraint on their mind, speech and body. On the day of perfect abstinence, a person tries to keep restraint on his mind by freeing his soul from various temptations.

The seventh day of Dasalakshana festival is the best penance
The seventh day of Dasalakshan festival is the best penance. In today's time, it may not be possible for a person to practice asceticism like the Tirthankaras of Jainism, but still with this feeling, people fast during the Dasalakshna festival or eat food at one time. However, it should be understood here that penance does not just mean fasting, but penance means controlling one's desires and wishes, which increase the good deeds of the person.

The eighth day of Dasalakshan festival is the best sacrifice
The eighth day of Dasalakshan festival is the best sacrifice. Renunciation means giving up desires and emotions and developing a sense of contentment. When a person develops the spirit of renunciation in himself, he purifies his soul. By giving up desires, a person is saved from doing many types of bad deeds and many of his bad deeds are also destroyed. Sacrifice has special importance in Jainism. The Jain monk not only renounces his house or worldly attachments, but also his clothes and spends his entire life in the Digambar posture.

The ninth day of Dasalakshan festival is Uttam Akinchanya
The ninth day of Dasalakshan festival is considered as the best day. Uttam Akinchanya teaches us to give up attachment and illusion. We should not have attachment to anything. It is possible to attain supreme bliss and salvation only by renouncing all kinds of attachments and temptations. When you give up attachment the soul can be purified. Often people are attached to things that they own externally – like house, land, money, silver, gold, clothes and resources. This attachment gives rise to emotions like attachment, anger, pride, deceit, greed, fear, grief, and lust within the soul of a person. But if a person gives up all these attachments, then the path to purifying the soul is paved for him.

The tenth day of Dasalakshana festival is perfect celibacy
The tenth day of Dasalakshana festival is the day of celibacy. This day is called Anant Chaturdashi and on this day people light Akhand Diya in front of God. On this day people take a pledge to follow good feelings and virtues in themselves. It is believed that by practicing celibacy a person gains knowledge and power of the universe.

Daslakshan Parv Samapan Niyam

Dasalakshn festival ends on the day of Anant Chaturdashi and on this day in the evening, all the devotees together do Pratikraman in the temple and apologize for the sins and bitter words committed throughout the year. They sincerely ask for forgiveness from everyone and join hands and hug each other and say 'Michhami Dukkadam', which means forgiveness to all and forgiveness to all. He even apologizes to those who were not present at that time, the next day. This is how the Dasalakshan festival ends.

Related Information

Next Dates(2025)
28 August 20256 September 2025
Futures Dates
15 September 202625 September 2026
Yearly / Annual
10 Days
Begins Tithi
Bhadrapada Shukla Panchami
Ends Tithi
Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturdashi
August / September
Fast, Bhajan, Keertan, Daan, Jhakiyan, Sobha Yatra, Pravachan
Imp Places
Jain Mandir
Past Dates
17 September 2024, 8 September 2024, 11 September 2023, 9 September 2022, 1 September 2022, 11 September 2021
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Daslakshan Parva 2025 Dates

28 August 2025
6 September 2025
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