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How To Register Vaishno Devi Darshan? (कैसे दर्ज करें वैष्णो देवी दर्शन?)

Devotees from all over the world have a different faith in the Mata Vaishno Devi temple. The journey up to the temple is considered one of the most sacred and difficult pilgrimages in the country.
From August 16, the holy journey of mata Vaishno Devi has started once again. Some special rules have also been made to visit the Mata Vaishno Devi to be safe from the corona virus. Only after following these rules will you be allowed to visit Vaishno Devi. Let us know what rules have to be followed while traveling to Vaishno Devi.

Mandatory Online registration

Before traveling to Maa Vaishno Devi, you have to register online. Only those pilgrims can join the journey of Ma Vaishno Devi, who has got registered online.

Only 5000 pilgrims per day

This time only 5000 pilgrims will be allowed to visit in a day. With this, you will also have to come back after seeing in a fixed time. This is being done to protect against the corona virus. This time, devotees will not be allowed to stay in Maa Vaishno's building.

500 outside states pilgrims per day

Only 500 pilgrims from outer states will be able to have darshan of Maa Vaishno Devi in ​​a day. A total of 5000 pilgrims will be allowed to visit in a day, with 4500 pilgrims from Jammu and Kashmir and 500 from outside states.

Below 10 years children not allowed

Children below the age of 10 years will not be allowed to travel in the journey of mata Vaishno Devi. If you are thinking of visiting Maa Vaishno Devi with children then this time you will not get admission. Also, people over 60 years of age and pregnant women will also not be allowed to travel.

Wear mask

In the journey of mata Vaishno Devi, all people will have to wear masks. Corona virus infection can be avoided by wearing a mask. Those who do not wear masks will not be allowed to travel.

Night Darshan Closed

Usually the holy shrine of Maa Vaishno is open at all times, but this time devotees will not be allowed to visit at night. Apart from this, devotees will also not be able to attend the morning aarti of Maa Vaishno Devi.

Covid-19 antigen test for Outsiders

People coming from outside states will have to undergo covid 19 antigen test. Only those whose negative report will be negative will be allowed to visit Maa Vaishno Devi. People coming from covid Red Zone in Jammu and Kashmir will also have to undergo the covid 19 Antigen test.

Only 600 people inside at a time

Only 600 people will be allowed inside the building at a time, including security persons, priests and other service providers. Along with this, social distancing will be fully followed during the journey.

Journey by Horse/Pithu Banned

Generally, those who are unable to walk in the journey of Maa Vaishno used to travel in horse-mules, but this time traveling in horse-mules will not be allowed.

Cleanliness will be taken care of to be safe from the corona. Before entering the temple of Maa Vaishno, hands and feet have to be washed with soap and idols will not be allowed to be touched even during darshan. Along with this, Prasad will also not be given this time.

Bhaktibharat Wishes you Happy Journey, Jai Mata Di.

कैसे दर्ज करें वैष्णो देवी दर्शन? in English

माता वैष्णो की पवित्र यात्रा एक बार फिर से शुरू हो गई है। कोरोना वायरस से सुरक्षित रहने के लिए माता वैष्णो देवी के दर्शन करने के लिए कुछ विशेष नियम भी बनाए गए हैं।
यह भी जानें

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* कृपया अपने किसी भी तरह के सुझावों अथवा विचारों को हमारे साथ अवश्य शेयर करें।

** आप अपना हर तरह का फीडबैक हमें जरूर साझा करें, तब चाहे वह सकारात्मक हो या नकारात्मक: यहाँ साझा करें

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वैशाख मास 2025

वैशाख मास पारंपरिक हिंदू कैलेंडर में दूसरा महीना होता है। यह महीना ग्रेगोरियन कैलेंडर में अप्रैल और मई के साथ मेल खाता है। आंध्र प्रदेश, कर्नाटक और महाराष्ट्र में इसे दूसरे महीने के रूप में गिना जाता है। गुजराती कैलेंडर में, यह सातवां महीना है। पंजाबी, बंगाल, असमिया और उड़िया कैलेंडर में वैशाख महीना पहला महीना है।

नर्मदा परिक्रमा यात्रा

हिंदू पुराणों में नर्मदा परिक्रमा यात्रा का बहुत महत्व है। मा नर्मदा, जिसे रीवा नदी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, पश्चिम की ओर बहने वाली सबसे लंबी नदी है। यह अमरकंटक से निकलती है, फिर ओंकारेश्वर से गुजरती हुई गुजरात में प्रवेश करती है और खंभात की खाड़ी में मिल जाती है।

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