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श्री दुर्गा मंदिर - Shri Durga Mandir

A group of Mata Bhakt collactively come together and decided to build a social and dharmik place. The result of such concept initate a श्री दुर्गा मंदिर (Shri Durga Mandir) in Preet Vihar. This collective thought, established a place Durga Mandir Chowk in the heart of Preet Vihar during 1994. A beautiful park also attached behind of the Durga Mandir.

यह भी जानें - Read Also

समय - Timings

दर्शन समय
5:30 AM - 12:30 PM, 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
7:00 AM, 6:00 PM
Navratri | यह भी जानें: एकादशी

फोटो प्रदर्शनी - Photo Gallery

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The focus attribute of main attractive decoration scenario is - The three consecutive Golden sparkle Jhoomars into main prayer hall.

The focus attribute of main attractive decoration scenario is - The three consecutive Golden sparkle Jhoomars into main prayer hall.

Itani Shakti hamne dena data... ki sabhi ko panah dene ki tagat rahe hamesan. Fir chahe woh manushya ho ya pakshi.

Itani Shakti hamne dena data... ki sabhi ko panah dene ki tagat rahe hamesan. Fir chahe woh manushya ho ya pakshi.

Height of temple towards sky shows, to devotees, ambition should be achieved with all efforts towards fulfillment.

Height of temple towards sky shows, to devotees, ambition should be achieved with all efforts towards fulfillment.

Attached a green Children park is the source of fresh air and also increased the beauty of the religious hindu place.

Attached a green Children park is the source of fresh air and also increased the beauty of the religious hindu place.

Ground floor of the temple premises is important section for those bhakt, whos are love Shri Shani Maharaj along with Shri Sai Nath and Maa Sheetala.

Ground floor of the temple premises is important section for those bhakt, whos are love Shri Shani Maharaj along with Shri Sai Nath and Maa Sheetala.

A high, whitewashed three Shikhars are visible from 1 KM distance in both side of road.

A high, whitewashed three Shikhars are visible from 1 KM distance in both side of road.

Flying Bird denotes a busy lifestyle of a person, and Omkar shows the stability in any all time.

Flying Bird denotes a busy lifestyle of a person, and Omkar shows the stability in any all time.

There are two entry gate of this Maa Durga temple, One from outer main gate and second one from colony side.

There are two entry gate of this Maa Durga temple, One from outer main gate and second one from colony side.

A sequencial row of electric bulbs are connected from top of the one shikhar to another Shikhar.

A sequencial row of electric bulbs are connected from top of the one shikhar to another Shikhar.

The fam of Maa Durga Temple in such a manner that Maa bhakt declared the junction of outer sider roads as Durga Mandir Chowk.

The fam of Maa Durga Temple in such a manner that Maa bhakt declared the junction of outer sider roads as Durga Mandir Chowk.

for Welcome board also plugged by Shri Sanatan Dharm Sabha, D-Block Preet Vihar New Delhi..

for Welcome board also plugged by Shri Sanatan Dharm Sabha, D-Block Preet Vihar New Delhi..

जानकारियां - Information

Left - Right: ShivlingPratham Shri Ganesh JiShri Shiv ParvatiShri Lakshmi NarayanMaa SaraswatiShri Ram FamilyMaa Durga
Right - Left: Shri Hanuman Ji MaharajMaa SantoshiGuru BrahaspatiShri Radha KrishnaMaa Durga
Ground Floor: Maa SheetalaShivlingShri Shani MaharajShri SainathYagya ShalaPeepal TreeBanana TreeMaa TulasiBanana TreeBird Table
बुनियादी सेवाएं
Drinking Water, CCTV Security, Power Backup, Prasad, Puja Samagri, Children Park, Satsang Ground, Shoe Store, Wash Rooms
Shri Sanatan Dharm Shabha
देख-रेख संस्था
Shri Sanatan Dharm Shabha
Maa Navdurga
हाँ जी (मंदिर के अंदर तस्वीर लेना अ-नैतिक है जबकि कोई पूजा करने में व्यस्त है! कृपया मंदिर के नियमों और सुझावों का भी पालन करें।)

कैसे पहुचें - How To Reach

पता 📧
D Block Preet Vihar, New Delhi - 110092 Delhi New Delhi
सड़क/मार्ग 🚗
Vikas Marg >> Acharya Nag Raj Marg
सोशल मीडिया
निर्देशांक 🌐
28.638357°N, 77.296224°E
श्री दुर्गा मंदिर गूगल के मानचित्र पर

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** आप अपना हर तरह का फीडबैक हमें जरूर साझा करें, तब चाहे वह सकारात्मक हो या नकारात्मक: यहाँ साझा करें

शिव आरती - ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा

जय शिव ओंकारा, ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, सदाशिव, अर्द्धांगी धारा॥

श्री राम स्तुति

Ram Stuti Lyrics in Hindi and English - श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजुमन हरण भवभय दारुणं। नव कंज लोचन कंज मुख...

श्री सूर्य देव - ऊँ जय सूर्य भगवान

ऊँ जय सूर्य भगवान, जय हो दिनकर भगवान। जगत् के नेत्र स्वरूपा, तुम हो त्रिगुण स्वरूपा।

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