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शिव एवं शनि मंदिर - Shiv Evam Shani Mandir

मुख्य आकर्षण - Key Highlights

◉ Combination of two temples, no boundaries defined.
◉ Famous and largest Shri Shani Dham in CP.

शिव एवं शनि मंदिर (Shiv Evam Shani Mandir) dedicated to Lord Shiv and Shri Shani Maharaj founded by Maharaj Shri Sawai Ram Singh in 1877, group of two temples Lord Shiv Mandir along with Shri Ganesh Mandir, both temple share same wall and also interconnected Boundaries of temples are not well define due to the closeness of both bhawan. Most of the time, when new devotees visit these temples unable to distinguish both the temple. These temples are near by famous Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place.

यह भी जानें - Read Also

समय - Timings

दर्शन समय
6:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 4:00 PM - 9:30 PM
8:00 AM, 7:30 PM

फोटो प्रदर्शनी - Photo Gallery

Photo in Full View
Traditional disposal mitti deepak (clay lamp) are ready to offering Aarti

Traditional disposal mitti deepak (clay lamp) are ready to offering Aarti

Before and after effect of large no of deepak.

Before and after effect of large no of deepak.

Front view of Shiv Mandir and Ganesh Mandir

Front view of Shiv Mandir and Ganesh Mandir

Hawan Shala in Shiv Mandir Connaught Place, New Delhi

Hawan Shala in Shiv Mandir Connaught Place, New Delhi

जानकारियां - Information

Lord Shiv Family & ShivlingShri Shani MaharajSai BabaShri Ganesh JIDevi MaaShri Hanuman JiShri Peepaleshwar NathHawan Shala
बुनियादी सेवाएं
Drinking Water, Prasad, Shoe Store
Maharaj Shri Sawai Ram Singh
Lord Shiv, Shanidev
हाँ जी (मंदिर के अंदर तस्वीर लेना अ-नैतिक है जबकि कोई पूजा करने में व्यस्त है! कृपया मंदिर के नियमों और सुझावों का भी पालन करें।)

क्रमवद्ध - Timeline


Maharaj Shri Sawai Ram Singh stableshed this holy place in the heart of Connaught Place.


Shri Radha Krishna dham in temple premises.

25 January 1996

Shri Ram Darbar having Shri Ram, Mata Sita, Bhai Lakshman and Shri Hanuman.

कैसे पहुचें - How To Reach

पता 📧
Palika Kendra, Hanuman Road Area, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001 Delhi Delhi
सड़क/मार्ग 🚗
Baba Kharak Singh Marg
सोशल मीडिया
निर्देशांक 🌐
28.6300686°N, 77.2153086°E
शिव एवं शनि मंदिर गूगल के मानचित्र पर

अगला मंदिर दर्शन - Next Darshan

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अगर आपको यह मंदिर पसंद है, तो कृपया शेयर, लाइक या कॉमेंट जरूर करें!

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** आप अपना हर तरह का फीडबैक हमें जरूर साझा करें, तब चाहे वह सकारात्मक हो या नकारात्मक: यहाँ साझा करें

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