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मणिमहेश - कैलाश -

मणिमहेश - कैलाश () - Yatra Track Mahoun Himachal Pradesh 176315

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Mani Mahesh (Baba Barfani)

There are many places all over the country associated with Bhagwan Shiva which have witnessed the miracles of Bholenath. One such place is Manimahesh and . It is said that Bhagwan Shiva did Tapasya here for centuries. Since then, this mountain has become mysterious.

The Leela of Bholenath is very unique. He gives visions to the devotees. He has many dhams on earth. One of these is Manimahesh. It is located in Chamba district. This place is also called Chamba Kailash.

The reason behind the name of manimahesh:

There is a special reason why this place was named Manimahesh. According to scholars, Shiva sits on the top of the mountain as Sheshnag Mani. They are visible to devotees in this form. Apart from this the word also means Nagina in the crown of Mahesh.

The color changes with the sun's rays

On the Manimahesh mountain, Shiva is seen in the middle of the evening and night. At sunset, when the rays of the sun fall on the summit of the mountain, the whole scene becomes golden. If the weather is clear, devotees can see the top of the mountain and Shiva sitting on it. Local people believe that Bhagwan Shiva created this mountain named Manimahesh after marrying mata Parvati. A Shivling is built on the top of the mountain. It is believed that Bhagwan Shiva took this form to live here. People still worship this Shivling.

It is believed that till date no one has measured the height of this mountain. It is not difficult to climb this mountain but whoever went up did not return.

How to start Manimahesh yatra?

Chamba Manimahesh Bharmour yatra holds special significance. It is believed that the Manimahesh Yatra is incomplete without bathing in Brahmani Kund. The journey has started for Manimahesh in Himachal's Chamba district. Beneath this mountain is the sacred Manimahesh lake. People visit this peak from here.

It is impossible to climb Manimahesh mountain like Kailash. Whoever tries to climb here, any invisible power stops him. In 1968, a team of Indo-Japnis led by Nandini Patel tried to climb this mountain, but they failed.

It is said that the top part of the peak is always covered with clouds. Only those people visit this peak who remember Bhagwan Shiva with true reverence.

Devotees can visit the place by walk, horse riding or by helicopter.

Har Har Mahadev!

प्रचलित नाम: बाबा बर्फानी, मणिमहेश, चंबा कैलाश

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हाँ जी

कैसे पहुचें - How To Reach

पता 📧
Yatra Track Mahoun Himachal Pradesh 176315
हवा मार्ग ✈
Helipad Manimahesh
सोशल मीडिया
निर्देशांक 🌐
32.394962°N, 76.637066°E
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