श्री अक्षरपुरुषोत्तम स्वामीनारायण मंदिर - Shri Aksharpurushottam Swaminarayan Mandir
May 21, 2016 17:48 PM |
🕖 समय
| ♡ मुख्य आकर्षण | 📜 इतिहास | 📷 फोटो प्रदर्शनी | ▶ वीडियो | ✈ कैसे पहुचें | 🌍 गूगल मेप | 🖋 आपके विचार | 🔖 बारें में
मुख्य आकर्षण - Key Highlights |
◉ First Temple of Swaminarayan in Delhi. |
◉ Temple Build Under Akshardham Theme. |
First temple of Swaminarayan devotee inaugurated in Delhi capital region with the grace of Yogi Bapa (Yogiji Maharaj) and with the efforts of Kakaji named as श्री अक्षरपुरुषोत्तम स्वामीनारायण मंदिर (Shri Aksharpurushottam Swaminarayan Mandir).
Shastriji Maharaj had given a murti of Akshar Purushottam Maharaj to Ex-Prime Minister Gulzarilal Nanda. Now this murti is preserved in the Akshar Purushottam Mandir, Ashok Vihar near Shastri Nagar metro station. More About Temple
समय - Timings
Swaminarayan Jayanti (Ram Navmi) | यह भी जानें: एकादशी
More About Temple
Swaminarayan Bhagwan was born in Chhapaiya, near Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, which is 340 miles or about 550 kilometers from India's capital, New Delhi. Swaminarayan satsanga however primarily grew from Gujarat, where Swaminarayan Bhagwan resided since He entered the state as Neelkanth Varni. (Sampradaaya records indicate that in 1809, a resident of Delhi named Tuiram met Swaminarayan Bhagwan in Surat. He is the first resident of Delhi to become a devotee.) Shastriji Maharaj wished for satsanga to spread to the north, where Swaminarayan Bhagwan had taken birth, as well. (Through Sardar Patel, whose family were devotees of Swaminarayan Bhagwan, Mahatma Gandhiji and Jawarhalal Nehru had come in contact with Shastriji Maharaj and Yogi Bapa.)
Shastriji Maharaj had given a moorti of Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj to Gulzarilal Nanda (Ex-Prime Minister of India) to take to Delhi. (That moorti is now preserved in the Akshar Purushottam Mandir at Ashok Vihar, Delhi.) In May 1950, Nandaji met Shastriji Maharaj in Ahmedabad and asked him to grace Delhi. Shastriji Maharaj asked Yogi Bapa to go instead along with Thakorji (moorti of Harikrishna Maharaj) in July 1950. Per Yogi Bapa's instructions, Kakaji visited Delhi several times starting 1952 to support the satsanga there. Yogi Bapa, Pramukh Swamiji, saints and devotees visited Delhi (staying at Nandaji's bungalow) by special train on route to Chhapaiya in 1953. Kakaji and Nandaji had gone earlier to help make arrangements, and met Yogi Bapa in Chhapaiya, where young Acharya Tejendraprasadji Maharaj had also convened. Again in 1956, Yogi Bapa, saints and devotees visited Delhi by special train on route to Chhapaiya.
In many letters to devotees from 1967, Yogi Bapa expressed a desire for a temple in Delhi. Since that time, Kakaji continued to grace devotees in Delhi, while asking Mukundjivan Swamiji (Guruji) to lead the Delhi satsanga. In 1983, Kakaji acquired land from the Delhi Development Authority with the help of Minister HKL Bhagat, who witnessed Kakaji's divinity. In 1994, with the support of Malkani Uncle and devotees, the first Akshar-Purushottam temple was established in the capital city of Delhi at Ashok Vihar. Aksharjyoti is the Delhi women's wing, headed by Anandididi. Under Guruji's guidance, the Delhi center today continues to flourish and help many follow the principles of Swaminarayan Bhagwan. (Source: www.kakaji.org/delhi.html)
फोटो प्रदर्शनी - Photo Gallery
Photo in Full View

24 February 1990 - Inauguration of Kakaji Lane with the grace of Param Pujya Guruji Maharaj

मंदिर से मंदिर की ओर - A view of Shri Swaminarayan temple from near by Arya Samaj Mandir

Architecture part of Swaminarayan temples are most likely same, also the way of nakkashi and their symmetric view.

This temple was treated as a entry point of Swaminarayan Devotees from Indian state Gujrat to Delhi-NCR. Later on a big Akshardham temple situated on the bank of river Yamuna.

A sequential lines of colorful flowers looking like a colored wall

Wide horizontal lines is flag are the symbol of continuity of Swaminarayan samaj. Which is installed at the top of temple.

Also depicts the wide area of fame, from where this flag will be accessible.

Akshar Tirth is a place holding samadhi sthal of Shri Kaka Ji Maharaj behind the Aksharpurushottam temple

जहाँ-जहाँ नज़र मेंरी ठहरी, याद भरी बहाँ आपकी

A front full view of temple with colorful flowers and green side view

आप यहाँ आए हो न? बस, इतना ही काफ़ी है; यही योग्यता है| बस आप बेफ़िक्र हो जाइए|
जानकारियां - Information
Left-Right: Mangalmurti Ganpati DevKastbhanjan Hanumanji
बुनियादी सेवाएं
Water Coolar, Power Backup, CCTV Security, Office, Shoe Store
धर्मार्थ सेवाएं
Teen February Park
Dadubhai Patel (Dadukaka or Kakaji)
3 February 1988 (3 February 1994)
Bhagwan Swaminarayan
🚫 नहीं (मंदिर के अंदर तस्वीर लेना अ-नैतिक है जबकि कोई पूजा करने में व्यस्त है! कृपया मंदिर के नियमों और सुझावों का भी पालन करें।)
क्रमवद्ध - Timeline
3 February 1988
Temple foundation (Shilanyash) ceremoney
24 February 1990
Inauguration of Swaminarayan Marg and Kakaji Lane
26 october 1992
अक्षरतीर्थ - Akshartirth: Pushp Samadhi of Brahmswaroop Poojaneeya Kakaji Maharaj by the grace of Brahmswaroop Pappaji Maharaj
3 February 1994
Shri Aksharpurushottam Maharaj Murtipratishtha
3 February 1997
Aksharjyoti inauguration
29 March 2002
Swarnjayanti dwar on smriti of Brahmswaroop Kakaji Maharaj Sakshatkar Swarnjayanti
25 March 2007
Brahmswarup Pappaji Maharaj Murti-Pratishtha
वीडियो - Video Gallery
कैसे पहुचें - How To Reach
पता 📧
`Taaddev`, Kakaji Lane, Swaminarayan Marg, Ashok Vihar Phase - III, Delhi - 110052 Delhi New Delhi
सड़क/मार्ग 🚗
Vir Namda Nairagi marg >> Swami Narayan Marg >> Kakaji Lane
हवा मार्ग ✈
IGI Airport Delhi
संपर्क करें ✆
011 4709 1281, 2730 1327, Email: taaddev@ydsd.org
वेबसाइट 📡
निर्देशांक 🌐
28.684659°N, 77.186658°E
श्री अक्षरपुरुषोत्तम स्वामीनारायण मंदिर गूगल के मानचित्र पर
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* कृपया अपने किसी भी तरह के सुझावों अथवा विचारों को हमारे साथ अवश्य शेयर करें।
** आप अपना हर तरह का फीडबैक हमें जरूर साझा करें, तब चाहे वह सकारात्मक हो या नकारात्मक: यहाँ साझा करें।