Your income in business will increase. Some important work regarding children can be accomplished. Valuable items can be received as gifts. Today you will try to help troubled people. The relationship between husband and wife will be sweet.
◉ Aradhya - Rudra
◉ Lucky Color - Skyblue
◉ Lucky Number - 10, 11
◉ Rashi Grah - Saturn
◉ Favorable Day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
◉ Zodiac Signs - Ga, Sa, Sha, Sh
◉ Nakshatra Letters - Gu, Ge, Go, Saa, See, Soo, Se, Daa
◉ Lucky Direction - West
◉ Zodiac Metal - Silver, Gold
◉ Lucky Stone - Blue Sapphire
◉ Zodiac Gems - Blue Sapphire, Diamond, Emerald
◉ Rashi Temperament - Stable
◉ Rashi Element - Air
◉ Rashi Behaviour - Even
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Rashi | Calculator | ||
♈ | मेष - Mesha | Aries | 21 March - 19 April |
♉ | वृषभ - Vrishabha | Taurus | 20 April - 20 May |
♊ | मिथुन - Mithun | Gemini | 21 May - 20 June |
♋ | कर्क - Karka | Cancer | 21 June - 22 July |
♌ | सिंह - Simha | Leo | 23 July - 22 August |
♍ | कन्या - Kanya | Virgo | 23 August - 22 September |
♎ | तुला - Tula | Libra | 23 September - 22 October |
♏ | वृश्चिक - Vrishchika | Scorpio | 23 October - 21 November |
♐ | धनु - Dhanu | Sagittarius | 22 November - 21 December |
♑ | मकर - Makar | Capricorn | 22 December - 19 January |
♒ | कुम्भ - Kumbha | Aquarius | 20 January - 18 February |
♓ | मीन - Meena | Pisces | 19 February - 20 March |