Important work may stop. Keep your daily routine organized. People associated with government departments will face some problems. It will be beneficial for you to take advice from your mother. There will be some disappointment regarding extramarital affairs.
◉ Aradhya - Ganesh
◉ Lucky Color - Green
◉ Lucky Number - 3, 8
◉ Rashi Grah - Mercury
◉ Favorable Day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
◉ Zodiac Signs - Pa, Tha, Na
◉ Nakshatra Letters - To, Paa, Pee, Poo, Sha, Na, Tha, Pe, Po
◉ Lucky Direction - South
◉ Zodiac Metal - Silver, Gold
◉ Lucky Stone - Emerald
◉ Zodiac Gems - Emerald, Diamond, Sapphire
◉ Rashi Temperament - Dual Nature
◉ Rashi Element - Earth
◉ Rashi Behaviour - Air
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Rashi | Calculator | ||
♈ | मेष - Mesha | Aries | 21 March - 19 April |
♉ | वृषभ - Vrishabha | Taurus | 20 April - 20 May |
♊ | मिथुन - Mithun | Gemini | 21 May - 20 June |
♋ | कर्क - Karka | Cancer | 21 June - 22 July |
♌ | सिंह - Simha | Leo | 23 July - 22 August |
♍ | कन्या - Kanya | Virgo | 23 August - 22 September |
♎ | तुला - Tula | Libra | 23 September - 22 October |
♏ | वृश्चिक - Vrishchika | Scorpio | 23 October - 21 November |
♐ | धनु - Dhanu | Sagittarius | 22 November - 21 December |
♑ | मकर - Makar | Capricorn | 22 December - 19 January |
♒ | कुम्भ - Kumbha | Aquarius | 20 January - 18 February |
♓ | मीन - Meena | Pisces | 19 February - 20 March |