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Today Horoscope

Today's (Thursday, 23 January 2025) horoscope will tell you what you should pay more attention to and what you should try to avoid, as well as what will help you move forward today and what can put you in danger. Let's see what your stars say.

Aries | Mesha Rashi

Will be very conscious about health today. People will try to learn a lot from you. Your confidence will increase due to increasing inflow of money...

◉ Zodiac Signs - A, L, E
◉ Nakshatra Letters - Chu, Che, Cho, La, Li, Lu, Le, Lo, A

My Zodiac Sign

Taurus | Vrishabha Rashi

You will get help from higher officials. Will try to restart the incomplete tasks today. Your relations with your brothers and sisters will be cordial...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Ba, Va, U
◉ Nakshatra Letters - E, U, A, O, Va, Vi, Wu, Ve, Vo

My Zodiac Sign

Gemini | Mithun Rashi

Control anger and excitement. There will be a feeling of happiness and enthusiasm in the mind. Positivity towards life will increase...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Ka, Chha, Gha
◉ Nakshatra Letters - Kaa, Kee, Ku, Gha, Ing, Chha, Ke, Ko, Haa

My Zodiac Sign

Cancer | Karka Rashi

You may get an invitation from some function. Stay away from unnecessary arguments. Your rights in the family will increase...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Da, Ha
◉ Nakshatra Letters - Hee, Hu, He, Ho, Daa, Dee, Doo, De, Do

My Zodiac Sign

Leo | Simha Rashi

Can work on new projects. It would be beneficial to take advice from experienced people. There will be good progress in import-export related work...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Ma, Ta
◉ Nakshatra Letters - Maa, Mee, Moo, Me, Mo, Taa, Tee, Too, Te

My Zodiac Sign

Virgo | Kanya Rashi

Trust yourself for better results. Students will pay a lot of attention to studies. You will feel proud of the success of your children...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Pa, Tha, Na
◉ Nakshatra Letters - To, Paa, Pee, Poo, Sha, Na, Tha, Pe, Po

My Zodiac Sign

Libra | Tula Rashi

Be mindful of decorum in love relationships. You can plan tourism with your spouse. Due to this, meeting with many people may happen...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Ra, Ta
◉ Nakshatra Letters - Raa, Ree, Roo, Re, Ro, Taa, Tee, Too, Te

My Zodiac Sign

Scorpio | Vrishchika Rashi

You may have to work harder to get better results. Some dislike towards food may arise. Avoid lifting heavy weights...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Na, Ya
◉ Nakshatra Letters - To, Naa, Nee, Noo, Ne, No, Yaa, Yee, Yu

My Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius | Dhanu Rashi

It would be appropriate to postpone important tasks for a day or two. You may feel sad about old things. Today will teach you many things which will be very useful to you in future...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Bha, Dha, Pha, Dha
◉ Nakshatra Letters - Ye, Yo, Bhaa, Bhee, Bhoo, Dhaa, Phaa, Dha, Bhe

My Zodiac Sign

Capricorn | Makar Rashi

Obstacles coming in house construction work will be removed. You will try to learn technology related subjects. And you will take special interest in religion...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Kha, Ja
◉ Nakshatra Letters - Bho, Jaa, Jee, Khee, Khoo, Gaa, Gee

My Zodiac Sign

Aquarius | Kumbha Rashi

There may be some altercation with the servants. Maintain good behavior with your family members. You will have to struggle to get something you need...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Ga, Sa, Sha, Sh
◉ Nakshatra Letters - Gu, Ge, Go, Saa, See, Soo, Se, Daa

My Zodiac Sign

Pisces | Meena Rashi

Interfering in the affairs of others may cost you dearly. Some doubt will continue to grow in the mind. Do not eat too much spicy and hot food...

◉ Zodiac Signs - Da, Cha, Jha, Tha
◉ Nakshatra Letters - Dee, Doo, Tha, Jha, Yna, De, Do, Cha, Chee

My Zodiac Sign
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Horoscope: Actually, horoscope is that genre of astrology, through which predictions are made about different time periods. While daily horoscope gives predictions about everyday events, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscope gives predictions for the week, month and year respectively. In Vedic astrology all these predictions are made for 12 zodiac signs – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Similarly, predictions are also possible for 27 constellations. The circumstances arising in the lives of people of each zodiac sign differ depending on the daily position of the planets because each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and nature. For this reason, each zodiac sign has a unique horoscope. Read your moon sign horoscope at Bhakti Bharat.

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