The second Monday of the month of Sawan is on 17th July, 2023.
This day is very special because many rare combinations are also being formed on this day. The month of Sawan is very dear to Bhagwan Bholenath. In such a situation, the new moon day of Shravan month is also considered very important. Due to Amavasya on this day, there is a coincidence of Somvati Amavasya and by worshiping Shiva on
Somvati Amavasya, one gets freedom from Pitra Dosha, Shani Dosha and Kalsarpa Dosha. Surya Kark Sankranti is also on this day.
According to the Hindu calendar, the first Krishna Paksha of the month of Shravan coincides with Somvati Hariyali Amavasya. According to Dharmasastra, worship of Bhagwan Shiva with snan-daan on Somvati Hariyali Amavasya is very fruitful. On the day of
Hariyali Amavasya, by bathing in a holy river, by offering Pindadan to the ancestors, by performing Shradh rituals, the ancestors attain salvation.
Based on mythology, there is a tradition of bathing on Amavasya. Not only this, joint worship of Bhagwan Shiva and Shakti on the midnight of new moon also brings spiritual success.If you love this news please
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