The full moon of Ashwin month is called Sharad Purnima. On the night of Sharad Purnima, in Dwapar Yuga, Bhagwan Shri Krishna performed Maharasas with the Gopis. It is believed that on the night of Sharad Purnima, Shri Krishna performs Raasleela with Gopis in Nidhivan of Vrindavan.
On the night of Sharad Purnima, the moon is complete with its 16 phases; It is believed that on this night amrit rains due to the light of the moon. This is the reason that on the night of Sharad Purnima, in all the temples including Thakur Banke Bihari, Thakurji gives darshan to the devotees in the light of the moon, playing Vanshi in the posture of Maharas.
But, due to Chandra Grahan (lunar eclipse) the benefit of this divine darshan will not be available to the devotees this year.If you love this news please
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