The timing of Bhograg seva and darshan in Thakur Ji Banke Bihari Temple varies according to the season. With the onset of autumn, there has been a change in the timings of service and darshan of Thakur Ji Banke Bihari.
After Diwali, there is a change in the darshan time of Thakur ji's temple on Bhai Dooj.
❀ Now the doors of the temple will open at 8.45 am for darshan of the deity, which will close at 1 pm.
❀ Similarly, the doors of Darshan Mandir will open at 4.30 pm and will close at 8.30 pm.
Whereas till now it used to open at 7.45 in the morning and instead of 12 noon, now darshan will be given till 1 o'clock. Similarly, in the evening too, darshan will open an hour earlier at 4.30 pm, whereas earlier darshan used to open at 5.30 pm, doors will close at 8.30 pm, till now darshan used to happen till 9.30 pm.
This time of darshan will now continue till Holi.If you love this news please
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