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Shri Guru Ashtakam (श्री गुरु अष्टकम)

Shri Guru Ashtakam
Sharlram Surupam Tatha Va Kalatram
Yashashcaru Citram Dhanam Merutulyam ।
Manashcenna Lagnam Guroranghripadme
Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim ॥
Kalatram Dhanam Putrapautradi Sarvam
Griham Bandhavah Sarvametaddhi Jatam ।
Masashcenna Lagnam Guroranghripadme
Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim ॥

Sadangadivedo Mukhe Shastravidya
Kavitvadi Gadyam Supadyam Karoti ।
Manashcenna Lagnam Guroranghripadme
Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim ॥

Videsheshu Manyah Svadesheshu Dhanyah
Sadaccaravritteshu Matto Na Canyah ।
Manashcenna Lagnam Guroranghripadme
Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim ॥

Kshamamandale Bhupabhupalavrindaih
Sada Sevitam Yasya Padaravindam ।
Manashcenna Lagnam Guroranghripadme
Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim ॥

Yasho Me Gatam Dikshu Danapratapaj-
Jagadvastu Sarvam Kare Yatprasadat ।
Manashcenna Lagnam Guroranghripadme
Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim ||

Na Bhoge Na Yoge Na Va Vadirajau
Na Kantamukhe Naiva Vitteshu Cittam ।
Manashcenna Lagnam Guroranghripadme
Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim ॥

Aranye Na Va Svasya Gehe Na Karye
Na Dehe Mano Vartate Me Tvanarghye ।
Manashcenna Lagnam Guroranghripadme
Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim ॥

Aranye Na Va Devasy Gehe Na Kaary,
Na Dehi Mano Vartate Me Tvanarghye ।
Manashcenna Lagnam Guroranghripadme
Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim Tatah Kim ॥

Gurorashtakam Yah Pathet-punyadehi
Yatir-bhupatir-brahmacari Ca Gehi ।
Labhedvanchitartham Padam Brahmasamjnam
Guroruktavakye Mano Yasya Lagnam ॥

- By Shri Adi Shankaracharya

गुरु स्तुति | गुरु पादुका स्तोत्रम् | गुरु मेरी पूजा, गुरु गोबिंद, गुरु मेरा पारब्रह्म | गुरु भजन

English Meaning
1. If the body is beautiful, the wife is also a beauty and the Satkirti is spread in all the four directions, there is immense wealth like Mount Meru, but if the mind is not enamored in the steps of the Guru, then what is the benefit from all these achievements?

2 . Beautiful wife, wealth, son and grandson, house and family, etc. should be easily accessible from destiny, but if there is no attachment of mind in Guru`s steps, then what is the benefit of this destiny and happiness?

3. The Vedas and the Shatvedangadi scriptures, which are memorized, have the talent of producing beautiful poetry, but if their mind is not enamored with the master's actions, then what is the benefit from these virtues?

4. Those who get respect in foreign countries, who are welcomed in their country with regular cheers and who also have a unique place in virtue, if their mind is detached towards the deeds of Guru, then what is the benefit from these virtues?

5. The great people whose Charankamal is always worshiped by the kings and emperors of Prithvi Mandal, but if his mind is not enamored by the Guru`s feet, then what is the benefit of good fortune?

6. The fame of the demoness whose fame is prevalent among the devotees, with the spontaneous blessings of a very benevolent master who possesses all the pleasures and pleasures of the world, but if his mind does not have attachment in the steps of the Guru, then what benefit from all these gods?

7. Whose mind has never been distracted by enjoyment, yoga, horse, state, wealth and womanhood, yet if you have not become enamored of the Guru`s deeds, then what is the benefit from the persistence of this mind?

8. Whose mind is not enamored in the forest or in its huge building, in its work or body and in the priceless store, but even if the mind is not enamored in the steps of the Guru, then what is the benefit of all his detachments?

9. If a precious gem-muktadi gem is available, even if you get a wife like your wife at night, then if you do not become enamored of the Guru`s deeds, then what is the benefit of all these pleasures and pleasures?

श्री गुरु अष्टकम हिन्दी में पढ़ें

शरीरं सुरुपं तथा वा कलत्रं, यशश्चारू चित्रं धनं मेरुतुल्यम्। मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे, ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्..
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