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Tirthraj Muchkund - तीर्थराज मुचुकुन्द

Key Highlights

◉ Series of 108 Ancient Temples.
◉ 1 KM Parikrama Marg Around The Holy Sarovar.
◉ Entire Tirth Parikrama on Every Amavasya.
◉ Kund Puja Arti on Every Purnima.
◉ Sher Shikar Gurudwara since 1612.

The nephew of all Teerth, Tirthraj Muchkund series of 108 temples surrounded around a large holy pond. Due to name of 24th Suryavanshi Raja Muchukand, nineteen generations before Lord Shri Ram.

दीपावली उत्सव पर मंदिर के आस-पास विशाल मेले का आयोजन किया जाता है, मेले मे आने वाले श्रद्धालु भक्त कुंड में स्नान करते हैं।

According to legend, Raja Muchchhkund was sleeping here when demon Kaal Yaman (while pursuing lord Krishna) accidentally woke him up. The demon Kaal Yaman was burnt to ashes because of a divine blessing to Raja Muchchhkund. It is now a sacred place for pilgrims.

It is mentioned in the 23rd chapter of the fifth part of Vishnu Purana and also in the 51st chapter of the Dasam Skanda of Shrimad Bhagwat.

तेनानुयातः कृष्णोऽपि प्रविवेश महागुहाम् ।
यत्र शेते महावीर्यो मुचुकुन्दो नरेश्वरः ॥ [विष्णु पुराण 5/23/18]
भावार्थ- कालयमन से पीछा किए जाते हुए श्री कृष्णचंद्र उस महा गुहा में घुस गये जिसमें महावीर्य राजा मुचुकुन्द सो रहे थे।

स हि देवासुरे युद्धे गतो हत्वा महासुरान् ।
निद्रार्तः सुमहाकालं निद्रां वव्रे वरं सुरान् ॥ [विष्णु पुराण 5/23/22]
भावार्थ- पूर्वकाल में राजा मुचुकुन्द देवताओं की ओर से देवासुर संग्राम मे गये थे, असुरों को मार चुकने पर अत्यन्त निद्रालु होने के कारण उन्होने देवताओं से बहुत समय तक सोने का वर माँगा था।

प्रोक्तश्च देवैः संसुप्तं यस्त्वामुत्थापयिष्यति ।
देहजेनाग्निना सद्यः स तु भस्मीभविष्यति ॥ [विष्णु पुराण 5/23/23]
भावार्थ- उस समय देवताओं ने कहा था कि तुम्हारे शयन करने पर तुम्हें जो कोई जगावेगा वह तुरंत ही अपने शरीर से उत्पन्न हुई अग्नि से जलकर भस्म हो जाएगा।

Popular Name: Tirthraj Machkund


Open Close Timing
5:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM

शेर शिकार गुरुद्वारा - Sher Shikar Gurudwara
While travelling towards Gwalior, with Emperor Jahangir, Guru Hargobind arrived at Machkund on 4 March, 1612 and stayed in Bhamtipura village. The head of that area informed Jahangir of a deadly lion stalking the local villagers and asked the Emperor to save them from the lion.

It is said that Jahangir had quickly thought to use the lion hunt as an opportunity to bring about Guru Hargobind's death. However, history records, that a very different result took place as a result of this fabled hunt.
While the Emperor's hunting party was in the forest searching for the lion, the lion suddenly charged in the direction of Jahangir. Jahangir and his soldiers quickly fired their guns and arrows missing the great beast. Fearlessly the maddened lion continued his charge toward the Emperor. Seeing this, the terrified Jahangir screamed out for help. It is said that at this point, Guru Hargobind jumped from his horse and stood between Jahangir and the lion and speaking to the lion said,

Ae Kale Yaman Pehlan Toon War Kar Lae Kidre Tere Man Di Iccha Baaki Na Reh Jaye!
Hey Kaal Yaman (Name of a King of Dwapar yug during the time of Lord Krishna) first attack me, so that no further desire of attacking is left in your mind.)

The lion attacked Guru Hargobind with his full force. Guru ji with his left hand raised his shield in front of the lion and with the sword in his right hand slashed the lion across its back killing him with the one motion. Jahangir now realised that the Guru was not only spiritually powerful but also physically powerful as well.

Raja Muchkund Ki Katha

..राजा मुचुकुन्द की कथा को हिन्दी मे पढ़ने के लिए नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक करें 👇

तीर्थराज मुचुकुन्द हिन्दी में पढ़ें

सभी तीर्थों के भान्जे की उपाधि से सुशोभित, एक बड़े पवित्र तालाब के चारों ओर घिरे 108 मंदिरों की श्रृंखला का नाम है तीर्थराज मुचुकुन्द।

Photo Gallery

Photo in Full View
Gauri Shankar Madan Mohan Mandir

Gauri Shankar Madan Mohan Mandir

Out Side Madan Mohan Mandir

Out Side Madan Mohan Mandir

Hanumanji Madan Mohan Mandir

Hanumanji Madan Mohan Mandir

Madan Mohan Mandir Dwar

Madan Mohan Mandir Dwar

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Panchmukhi Shivling in Ladli Jagmohan Mandir Muchkund.

Panchmukhi Shivling in Ladli Jagmohan Mandir Muchkund.

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Shri Madan Mohan Ji

Shri Madan Mohan Ji

Madan Mohan Mandir

Madan Mohan Mandir

Muchkund Sarovar

Muchkund Sarovar

Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj

Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj

Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj

Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj

Shivling With Muchkund Sarovar

Shivling With Muchkund Sarovar

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Tirthraj Muchkund

Shri Madan Mohan Ji

Shri Madan Mohan Ji


Ladli Jagmohan Mandir:
Rajguru Mandir:
Shri Raniguru Mandir:
Sher Shikar Gurudwara: Guru Shri Hargobind Ji
YagyashalaMaa TulasiPeepal TreeBanyan TreeBanana TreeMango TreeKadamb TreeGuava Tree
Basic Services
Prasad, Prasad Shop, Water Coolar, Power Backup, Office, Shoe Store, Childrens Park, Free Parking, Washroom, Solar Light
Raja Muchukund
Mahabharata Period
Organized By
Government of India
Dedicated To
Lord Krishna
🚫 No (It's not ethical to capture photograph inside the temple when someone engaged in worship! Please also follow temple`s Rules and Tips.)
Free Entry


Before Ramayan Period

Raja Muchkund start sleeping near to this holy place.

Before Mahabharata Period

Raja Muchkund organized a Yagya on this place.

4 March, 1612

While travelling towards Gwalior, Guru Hargobind arrived at Machkund and stayed in Bhamtipura village.

Video Gallery

How To Reach

Road 🚗
Chennai-Delhi Highway NH44 >> Machkund Road
Nearest Railway 🚉
Dholpur Junction
Air ✈
Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Airport, Agra
Social Media
Coordinates 🌐
26.679938°N, 77.865338°E
Tirthraj Muchkund on Google Map

Temple in Dholpur

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