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Sri Subramanya Temple Munnar - श्री सुब्रमण्यम मंदिर मुन्नार

Key Highlights

◉ This temple is dedicated to Bhagwan Murugan.
◉ To enjoy the natural beauty of this holy place you will have to climb 200 steps.
◉ This place is surrounded by spice plantations and tea plantations, which you can enjoy to the fullest.

Sri Subramanya Temple is a Hindu temple located in Munnar, Idukki district in the state of Kerala, India. This temple is dedicated to Bhagwan Murugan. The temple is situated in the beautiful surroundings of Gandhamadanam Kandamalai hills and Paramkunram.

History and Architecture of Sri Subramanya Temple Munnar
Sri Subramaniam Temple is also famous as Munnar Murugan Temple. To enjoy the natural beauty of this holy place you will have to climb 200 steps. This place definitely gives you a blissful divine experience. Other worshiped deities inside the temple are Bhagwan Ganesh, Bhagwan Shiva and Bhagwan Ayyappa.

Situated on a small hill, this temple was worshiped by the Muthuvan tribal community in the past. Later it remained closed for a long time. But during the summer season, when members of the Travancore royal family came to visit Munnar, they saw the pathetic condition of this temple and got it renovated. Earlier Namboodiri had the tantric authority of the temple. Presently this right is with the local Tamil Brahmins. The temple is now managed by a committee of local Hindus.

Darshan Timings of Sri Subramanya Temple Munnar
Sri Subramanya Temple is open throughout the week and darshan timings are from 6:30 am to 8 pm. Three pujas are conducted every day which include 'Usha Puja' in the morning section, 'Ucha Puja' in the afternoon section and 'Attajha Puja' in the evening section.

Major Festivals of Sri Subramanya Temple, Munnar
Karthigai Deepam is one of the major festivals at Sri Subramanya Temple. The annual festival 'Trikarthika' is held in the Malayalam month of Vrischikam (November to December). Uthram Nakshatra day (i.e. March to April) is also an important festival in Meenam.

How to reach Sri Subramanya Temple Munnar
Sri Subramanya Temple is located in Munnar, Idukki district. This place is very well connected by road. Ernakulam Kochi is the nearest airport to Munnar and Ernakulam Junction is the nearest railway station to reach Munnar. The distance from Munnar to Ernakulam is 125 kilometers.

Sri Subramanya Temple Munnar Experience
❀ During your visit to Sri Subramanya Temple Munnar, you can see the lush green mountains and Cheyappara Falls nearby.
❀ This place is surrounded by spice plantations and tea plantations, which you can enjoy to the fullest.
❀ The crowd is more organized and the priests also get time to perform the puja at a leisurely pace. No one pushes you out. You can enjoy a few minutes of peaceful prayer before the deity.
❀ Be careful, this is a place where elephants pass in the evening, so be alert.

Popular Name: Munnar Murugan Temple

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Open Close Timing
6:30 AM - 8 PM
festival/karthika-deepam: Karthika Deepam
festival/chitra-pournami: Chitra Pournami
festival/thaipusam: Thaipusam
mandir/arulmigu-dhandayuthapani-swamy-temple: Arulmigu Dhandayuthapani Swamy Temple
Karthika Deepam, Shiv Ratri | Read Also: एकादशी

श्री सुब्रमण्यम मंदिर मुन्नार हिन्दी में पढ़ें

श्री सुब्रमण्यम मंदिर एक हिंदू मंदिर है जो भारत के केरल राज्य में इडुक्की जिले के मुन्नार में स्थित है। यह मंदिर भगवान मुरुगन को समर्पित है।

Photo Gallery

Photo in Full View
Outer entrance of the temple

Outer entrance of the temple

Main Temple

Main Temple

Waterfalls and views on the way to Munnar

Waterfalls and views on the way to Munnar

Greenery around Munnar

Greenery around Munnar


Om Saravana Bhava
Basic Services
Drinking Water, Prasad, parking area
Dedicated To
Dravidian Style


6:30 AM - 8 PM

How To Reach

Address 📧
33Q6+M9C, bazaar, Silent Valley, Munnar Munnar Kerala
Social Media
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Coordinates 🌐
10.0891854°N, 77.0608976°E
Sri Subramanya Temple Munnar on Google Map

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