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Shri Shiv Mandir, Kithaut - श्री शिव मंदिर, कीठौत

Key Highlights

◉ The Height of The Temple is 60+ Feet.
◉ The Temple Has Shiv Dham, Shri Krishna Dham and Mata Dham.

Shri Shiv Mandir was thought of Shri Uday Veer Singh, a three story, 60+ feet of height temple which is visible from National Highway 2. Temple complex is build among a large green area and well connected with Paigu Road followed by NH2.


Open Close Timing
5.00 AM - 1.00 PM, 3.00 PM - 8.00 PM

About Kithaut

Kithaut village founded by Thakur Kirtipal Singh Ji in 1640. Most of the population migrate from Karauli, Rajasthan. Dried river Aab Ganga was flowed many years ago, now only footprints are available on ground. Now a water canal installed by state government of Uttar Pradesh, unfortunately it also not have water.

श्री शिव मंदिर, कीठौत हिन्दी में पढ़ें

ग्राम कीठौत मे स्थित श्री शिव मंदिर, माननीय श्री उदय वीर सिंह जी द्वारा स्थापित किया गया है। मंदिर तीन मंजिल ऊँचा एवं भूमितल से मंदिर के शिखर की ऊंचाई 60+ फीट है।

Photo Gallery

Photo in Full View
Beautiful Green view of potato framing of village Kithaut from the second floor balcony of the temple.

Beautiful Green view of potato framing of village Kithaut from the second floor balcony of the temple.

Destination of Second Mandir Darshan From Temple

Destination of Second Mandir Darshan From Temple

A Beautiful wide green view of potato farming around all four direction of temple premises

A Beautiful wide green view of potato farming around all four direction of temple premises

Full colorful view with the combinations of Farming, Road around Mandir. This frame is taken 1 km far from original location.

Full colorful view with the combinations of Farming, Road around Mandir. This frame is taken 1 km far from original location.

Top of The Shikhar - looking like `moving towards infinity`

Top of The Shikhar - looking like `moving towards infinity`


Jai Bhole Baba!
Ground Floor: ShivlingShri Ram FamilyShri Hanuman Ji MaharajMaa Tulsi
First Floor: Shri Radha Krishna
Second Floor: Maa Sherawali
Basic Services
Prasad, Drinking Water, Shoe Store, Sitting Benches, Music System, Open Area, Parking on Road
Shri Uday Veer Singh
Dedicated To
Lord Shiv
Yes (It's not ethical to capture photograph inside the temple when someone engaged in worship! Please also follow temple`s Rules and Tips.)
Free Entry

How To Reach

Address 📧
Paigu Road Sirsaganj Uttar Pradesh
Road 🚗
NH 2 >> Paigu Road
Nearest Railway 🚉
Shikohabad(J), Aron
Air ✈
Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Airport Agra
Social Media
Coordinates 🌐
27.078137°N, 78.712412°E
Shri Shiv Mandir, Kithaut on Google Map

Temple in Sirsaganj

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