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Sanchi Stupa - साँची स्तूप

Key Highlights

◉ One of The Most Important Places in India.
◉ Sanchi Stupa is Established by Emperor Ashoka.
◉ Listed Under World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.
◉ The 200 rupees note has a depiction of Sanchi Stupa

Sanchi Stupa needs no introduction. It is already marked as one of the most important places in India. This place tells about Buddhism, and it is a small village, which is located at a distance of about 52 km from Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh). Sanchi is a famous tourist destination, which has numerous Buddhist structures, pillars and monasteries.

Most of these monuments date back to the era between the 3rd and 12th centuries, and Sanchi is now listed under World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. The 200 rupees note has a depiction of Sanchi Stupa, depicting the country’s cultural heritage.

History of Sanchi Stupa
Emperor Ashoka of the Maurya Empire was the initiator of all the `stupas` at Sanchi. These stupas pay homage to Bhagwan Buddha. Sanchi Stupa is made of a semi-circular rock which we can also call Gol Gumbad. It is the most important and impressive of all the stupas.

This great monument was built on the base of the relics of Bhagwan Buddha. Sanchi is one of the famous places, which have not only got recognition in India, but today it is famous all over the world. This place has become a great center of Buddhism.

Architecture of Sanchi Stupa
The Sanchi Stupa is a huge semi-circular, dome-shaped chamber that calmly depicts the relics of Bhagwan Buddha. The outline and design depict the nature of love and the historical period, during the development of the stupa.

The architecture is depicted in the form of a male and female tree as the entrance, which we find very attractive to see. Sanchi Stupa is a rich heritage of architectural prestige. It is a holy place blessed with reverence and peace. Covering the full range of Buddhism in India, it represents a wonderful testimony to the various artistic works of Buddhist monks.

The place was made one of the important centers of Buddhism, which is worshiped not only by the Indian people, but also by people all over the world. The foundation of this place was laid by Emperor Ashoka, and today it has become an important historical monument for India.

How to reach Sanchi Stupa
Sanchi Stupa is located near Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh, which is very well connected with various other cities of the country in terms of traffic, be it rail, road or air transport.


साँची स्तूप हिन्दी में पढ़ें

सांची स्तूप को किसी परिचय की आवश्यकता नहीं है। यह पहले से ही भारत के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण स्थानों में से एक है।


Emperor Ashoka
Before 12th centuries
Dedicated To
Gautam Buddha
Kalinga Buddhist Architecture
Yes (It's not ethical to capture photograph inside the temple when someone engaged in worship! Please also follow temple`s Rules and Tips.)
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How To Reach

Road 🚗
Bhopal Vidisha Highway
Nearest Railway 🚉
Salamatpur, Vidisha
Air ✈
Raja Bhoj Airport Bhopal
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Coordinates 🌐
23.4826235°N, 77.7320272°E
Sanchi Stupa on Google Map

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