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Nalhar Mahadev Mandir - नलहर महादेव मंदिर

Key Highlights

◉ The ancient temple is situated in Aravalli mountain.
◉ According to mythological beliefs, Bhagwan Krishna had chosen this place to broker a peace between the Kauravas and the Pandavas.
◉ The biggest feature of the temple is that there is a tree here, from which water comes out all the time.
◉ It is said that there is a kundli under this tree, it is believed that apart from taking out water from a motor or hose, even if water is taken out from a vessel, its quantity does not decrease.

Nalhar Mahadev Mandir which is also known as Nalhareshwar Mahadev Mandir is situated at a distance of about 3 km from Nuh town. This temple is located in Ferozepur Jhirka and Nalhar village Gahbar in Nuh district of Haryana. It is believed about this temple that Bhagwan Shri Krishna had chosen this place to make a settlement between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. This ancient and wonderful temple is situated in the lap of Aravalli mountain. Devotees come from far and wide to see this temple.

Mystery and History of Nalhareshwar Mahadev Temple:
According to mythological beliefs, Bhagwan Krishna had chosen this place to broker a peace between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. It is believed that wherever Bhagwan Krishna steps, a Kadam tree is often found there. 287 steps have been made to go from the step tree to where the water comes out.

The biggest feature of the temple is that there is a tree here, from which water comes out all the time. The name of this tree is Kadam Vriksha which is present at a height of more than 500 feet from the temple. Sweet water flows continuously from this step tree for centuries. It is said that there is a horoscope under this tree, it is believed that apart from taking out water from a motor or hose, even if water is taken out from a vessel, its quantity does not decrease.

Nalhareshwar Mahadev Temple looks very charming and beautiful. Pandavas are said to have spent some time on this Aravalli mountain during their exile and this is the reason why Shivlings about 5000 years old were found in Bhond, Ferozepur Jhirka and Nalhad villages of Nuh district, which the Hindu society has built a grand pagoda. Was made

Famous festivals of Nalhareshwar Mahadev Temple:
Not only a grand fair of Mahashivratri is held at the temple of Nalhareshwar Mahadev, but Shiva devotees also offer Kavad here. Many bhandaras are organized here in a year.

How to reach Nalhareshwar Mahadev Temple?
The temple of Nalhareshwar Mahadev is about 3 kms from Nuh town. Nuh city is very well connected to other cities and devotees can easily reach here.

Popular Name: Nalhar Mahadev Mandir, Nalhareshwar Mahadev Mandir


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24 Hours
Maha Shivratri | Read Also: एकादशी

नलहर महादेव मंदिर हिन्दी में पढ़ें

नलहर महादेव मंदिर जिसे नल्हड़ेश्वर महादेव मंदिर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, नूंह शहर से लगभग 3 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित है। यह मंदिर हरियाणा के नूंह जिले के फिरोजपुर झिरका और नल्हड़ गांव गहबर में स्थित है। इस मंदिर के बारे में मान्यता है कि भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने कौरवों और पांडवों के बीच समझौता कराने के लिए इस स्थान को चुना था। यह प्राचीन एवं अद्भुत मंदिर अरावली पर्वत की गोद में स्थित है।

Photo Gallery

Photo in Full View
Kadam tree at 500 feet height | Water Stream

Kadam tree at 500 feet height | Water Stream


Dedicated To
Bhagwan Shiv

How To Reach

Address 📧
near SHKM Government Medical College Nalhar Haryana
Road 🚗
Nalhar Road
Nearest Railway 🚉
Air ✈
Indira Gandhi International Airport
Social Media
Coordinates 🌐
28.0950095°N, 76.9648428°E
Nalhar Mahadev Mandir on Google Map

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