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ISKCON Temple Ghaziabad - इस्कॉन मंदिर गाजियाबाद

Key Highlights

◉ Combination of Shri Radha Mohan Ji and Bhagwan Jagnnath Swarup.
◉ Series of ISKCON Temple.
◉ First ISKCON Temple in District Ghaziabad.

All happended due to the causeless mercy of devotees of the श्री श्री राधा मदन मोहन मंदिर (Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan Mandir) having The Center for Vedic Studies and Performing Arts, also known as ISKCON Ghaziabad.

Popular Name: Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan Mandir


Open Close Timing
4:30 AM - 1:00 PM (Sunday: 2:00 PM), 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
4:30 AM: Mangala Arati
5:00 AM: Sri Tulasi Puja
5:15 AM: Japa Meditation
7:30 AM: Shringar Darshan
7:45 AM: Guru Puja
8:00 AM: Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture
12:30 PM: Raj Bhog Arati
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Sunday: Kirtan, Lecture, Prasadam
4:00 PM: Dhupa/Dhoop Arati
6:15 PM: Shri Tulsi Arati
6:45 PM: Sandhya Arati and Maha Kirtan
8:00 PM: Bhagavad Gita Discourse
8:50 PM: Shayan Arati

इस्कॉन मंदिर गाजियाबाद हिन्दी में पढ़ें

श्री श्री राधा मदन मोहन मंदिर (Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan Mandir) भक्तों से अकारण दया के कारण सभी खुश थे। वैदिक अध्ययन और प्रदर्शन कला केंद्र, जिसे इस्कॉन गाजियाबाद के रूप में भी जाना जाता है।

Photo Gallery

Photo in Full View
Main deity Shri Radha Mohan Ji on the right side platform.

Main deity Shri Radha Mohan Ji on the right side platform.

Beautiful huge jhumar with lot of glass crystals on the prayer hall entrance.

Beautiful huge jhumar with lot of glass crystals on the prayer hall entrance.

A complete front outer view of holy The Center for Vedic Studies, clicked from front road side.

A complete front outer view of holy The Center for Vedic Studies, clicked from front road side.

Welcome message on front view with holy flag on top.

Welcome message on front view with holy flag on top.

Most common style of Prabhupada dham among all ISKCON temple. Swami Prabhupada status is so real.

Most common style of Prabhupada dham among all ISKCON temple. Swami Prabhupada status is so real.

Shri Garun Dev ride with of Lord Shri Vishnu decorated with golden gada.

Shri Garun Dev ride with of Lord Shri Vishnu decorated with golden gada.

Prayer hall with left Sri Sri Jaganntha Baladeva Subhadra dham and right Radha Mohan Ji.

Prayer hall with left Sri Sri Jaganntha Baladeva Subhadra dham and right Radha Mohan Ji.


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare! Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare !!
Sri Sri Jaganntha Baladeva SubhadraSri Sri Gaur NitaiGarun DevSrila Prabhupad
Basic Services
Prasad, Water Coolar, Power Backup, CCTV Security, Office, Shoe Store, Washrooms
Organized By
Dedicated To
Shri Radha Krishna
Yes (It's not ethical to capture photograph inside the temple when someone engaged in worship! Please also follow temple`s Rules and Tips.)

How To Reach

Address 📧
R-11/35 Block 11 Raj Nagar Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
Road 🚗
Hapur Road >> Maharana Pratap Marg / Rani Jhansi Marg >> IMT Road / Shivaji Marg >> Hare Krishna Marg near ISKCON Chowk
Nearest Railway 🚉
Ghaziabad, Delhi
Air ✈
Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi
Social Media
YouTube Channel Facebook Twitter
Coordinates 🌐
28.682394°N, 77.450774°E
ISKCON Temple Ghaziabad on Google Map

Temple in Ghaziabad

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