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Hanumaan Bari - हनुमान बरी

Key Highlights

◉ Self Originated, Around 300 Years Before.
◉ Budhawa Mangal and Holi are Most Famous Festival.

Shri Hanuman manifested himself under 300 years old Banyan Tree in village Nagala Khushhali. Devotees organise special events to commemorates the importance of the holy place. On every Tuesday, the chanting of Shri Hanuman Chalisa and Aarti Bhajan is done along with the offering of Chola and Prasad.

Banyan is called Bari in the local language, so by combining the Hanumant Lal and the holy banyan tree, this place is called Hanuman Bari. Hanuman Bari can also be defined as \"Self Manifested Shri Hanuman Incarnated Holy Banyan Tree\".

On every last Tuesday, in Bhadrapada month of Hindu Panchang is known to be a most famous festival when divine love for Shri Hanuman is shown by all the villagers along with grace and enthusiasm. On a day before last Tuesday, devotees offer flag on the Banyan tree which is called as Nejha. The flag symbolises spirituality, beliefs and motivation.

Shri Hanuman is popularly called as Hanuman Baba in the temples where \"Hanuman Baba Ki Jai Ho\" is the slogan is used to showcase the beloved love towards God. Also, a glory of Shiv Parvati temple is also inaugurated in this premises.


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चारों पहर खुला है यह मंदिर।

About Nagla Khushhali

Nagla Khushhali village founded by Late Shri Kushhal Singh Ji around 17th century, name of the village was also formed by his first name Khushhal. Most of the population migrate from village Karhara followed by Karauli, Rajasthan. As per local community people call this village as incorrect name ie Khushali Nagra.

हनुमान बरी हिन्दी में पढ़ें

हनुमान बरी, स्वयंभू श्री हनुमान अवतरित पवित्र बरगद वृक्ष। ग्राम नगला खुशहाली में स्थित है बरगद का पवित्र पेड़ आज से लगभग 300 साल पुराना है।

Photo Gallery

Photo in Full View
Close look of Hanumaan Baba

Close look of Hanumaan Baba

Hanumaan Bari in full view

Hanumaan Bari in full view

Morning Sunshine View

Morning Sunshine View

Morning Sunshine View

Morning Sunshine View

Shiv - Parvati temple in Hanumaan Bari premises with beautiful green view

Shiv - Parvati temple in Hanumaan Bari premises with beautiful green view

Budhawa Mangal

Budhawa Mangal

Shri Shiv-Parvati temple with Hanumaan Bari premises

Shri Shiv-Parvati temple with Hanumaan Bari premises

Full View in Monsoon

Full View in Monsoon


Hanuman Baba Ki Jai Ho !
Organized By
Village Nagla Khushhali
Dedicated To
Shri Hanuman
Yes (It's not ethical to capture photograph inside the temple when someone engaged in worship! Please also follow temple`s Rules and Tips.)
Free Entry

How To Reach

Address 📧
Village Nagla Khushhali, Post Karhara Sirsaganj Uttar Pradesh
Road 🚗
NH 2 >> Paigu Road
Nearest Railway 🚉
Shikohabad(J), Aron
Website 📡
Social Media
Coordinates 🌐
27.08929°N, 78.724725°E
Hanumaan Bari on Google Map

Temple in Sirsaganj

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