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Preet Vihar Metro Station Delhi

About | Mandir Darshan | Services & Route

Preet Vihar Metro StationIn Delhi metro’s blue line the Preet Vihar metro station is located.

By departing from Preet Vihar metro station devotees can visit Shri Hinglaj Bhawani Mandir, Shri Durga Mandir, Purbasha Kali Mandir and Shiv Mandir Gufa Wala. Other nearby temples are Shree Sanatan Dharm Mandir, Jain Temple, Shree Ram Mandir and Shiv Shakti Temple.

Preet Vihar well-known area on the bank of river Yamuna, therefore called Preet Vihar Metro Station. Due to lack of space, the entire metro station is built upon the two-sided road. Also cover-up Ganesh Nagar, Laxmi Nagar, Karkarduma and Nirman Vihar. #MandirDarshanViaDelhiMetro

Mandir Near Preet Vihar Metro Station

Shri Hinglaj Bhawani Mandir @Patapadganj New Delhi

Shri Hinglaj Bhawani Mandir

Shri Hinglaj Bhawani Mandir inaugurated with the blesses of his holiness Shri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj Shankaracharya of Dwarakapeeth Dham in the Gujrat.

Purbasha Kali Mandir @Delhi New Delhi

Purbasha Kali Mandir

The largest temple of East Delhi Purbasha Kali Mandir, the center of Bengali spiritual activities.

Prachin Shri Shiv Hanuman Mandir @Delhi New Delhi

Prachin Shri Shiv Hanuman Mandir

प्राचीन श्री शिव हनुमान मंदिर (Prachin Shri Shiv Hanuman Mandir) is established by the government employee of Hasanpur Depot New Delhi.

Hanuman Mandir @Delhi New Delhi

Hanuman Mandir

Prachin Shri Hanuman Mandir is the oldest Hanuman Lala temple of East Delhi. Shri Hanumant murti appeared after a heavy flood in holy river Yamuna around 1970s.

Gufa Wala Mandir @Preet Vihar New Delhi

Gufa Wala Mandir

Beautiful spiritual picnic place having jeevant kalakratiyan, caves and park near Preet Vihar metro station in the campus of शिव मंदिर गुफा वाला (Shiv Mandir Gufa Wala).

Services & Route

Blue Line
Previous Station Karkarduma
Structure Type elevated
Platform side
Open Since 2010
Next Station Nirman Vihar
State Bank of India
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