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Chandi Mandir Hapur - चंडी मंदिर हापुड़

Key Highlights

◉ Ancient Shaktipeeth.
◉ Mata fulfills the wishes of every devotee.
◉ Aarti is performed five times a day in the Chandi temple of Hapur.
◉ 52 bhogs are offered to Maa Chandi during Navratri.

Shri Chandi Mandir is located in Kishanganj, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh, India. The Chandi Temple is dedicated to Devi Chandi, who is considered to be the Devi of shakti. This is a Shaktipeeth, stairs have been made to go to the streets of this ancient temple of village Chitoli, located on Bulandshahar Road, about three kilometers away from Hapur city.

Mythology behind Hapur Chandi Temple
The portals of the oldest temple in the district remain open all the time in the Chandi form of Maa Durga. It is believed for years that sleeping is done daily in Maa Chandi temple. mata comes back to her abode at four in the morning. Presently a threshold remains outside this path. In the folds, there is a huge statue of Chandi Maa, five feet high, made of black stone with 18 bandho.

It is believed that no one can see the formidable form of the mata. That's why the road was closed. Animal sacrifices were specially made for this. The symbol of sacrificial worship is still attached today. Now only the ears of the goat are cut and the owner of the whole animal is paid. There is a hole above the pindi of Maa Chandi, through which water falls on the statue of the mata by varun-drops. This pacifies the anger of Maa Kali. Every year thousands of devotees from all over the country and abroad visit this court of Maa Chandi to worship the holy feet of Maa Chandi. Mata fulfills the wishes of every devotee, it is said that no one ever leaves empty handed from here.

Chandi Mandir Hapur Darshan Timings
❀ Chandi temple darshan timings are from 5 am to 9:30 pm and on Sundays the temple is open from 5 am to 10 pm. Aarti is performed five times a day in the Chandi temple of Hapur.
❀ In the Siddha Peeth temple of Shri Adya Shakti Maa Chandi, there is special grace on the nine days of Navratri. Pindi Swaroop Maa is bathed with Panchamrit and anointed. There is an old nomination in the temple to offer chunri, coconut, curved items etc.
❀ During Navratras, the stream of milk and curd is lit for the unbroken condition of the mata. Jagran is offered on the first Navratri and halwa and dry fruits are offered on Ashtami.
❀ Chappan bhog is also offered to Maa Chandi.

How To Reach Chandi Mandir Hapur
Hapur city is very well connected to other cities through roadways, railways. So you can easily reach Chandi Mandir and have darshan.

Popular Name: Shri Chandi Mandir, Devi Maa, Maa Shakti, Maa Kali


Open Close Timing
5 AM - 9:30 PM
Navaratri, Diwali | Read Also: एकादशी

चंडी मंदिर हापुड़ हिन्दी में पढ़ें

श्री चंडी मंदिर किशनगंज, हापुड़, उत्तर प्रदेश, भारत में स्थित है। चंडी मंदिर देवी चंडी को समर्पित है, जिन्हें शक्ति की देवी माना जाता है। यह एक शक्तिपीठ है, हापुड़ नगर से करीब तीन किलो मीटर दूर बुलंदशहर रोड स्थित ग्राम चितौली के इस प्राचीन मंदिर की गलियों में जाने के लिए सीढ़ियां बनी हैं।

Photo Gallery

Photo in Full View
Maa Chandi Sinduri Abha

Maa Chandi Sinduri Abha

Maa Chandi Devi Rajashi Abha

Maa Chandi Devi Rajashi Abha


Omm Aim Hrim Klim Chamundayai Vichche !
Basic Services
Drinking Water, Prasad, CCTV Security, Parking Lot
Dedicated To
Devi Chandi
Free Entry
🚫 No

How To Reach

Address 📧
SHRI CHANDI MANDIR, Chandi Rd Kissanganj UttarPradesh
Road 🚗
Garh Road > Chandi Road
Nearest Railway 🚉
Air ✈
Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi
Social Media
Coordinates 🌐
28.7277944°N, 77.7847597°E
Chandi Mandir Hapur on Google Map

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