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Augharnath Mandir - औघड़नाथ मंदिर

Key Highlights

◉ The main reason for the first independence movement of 1857.
◉ The center point for meeting and staying of freedom fighters.
◉ Kali Paltan Temple addressed by Kali Paltan, the old name of the Indian Army.

Shri Baba Augharnath Shiv Mandir is an ancient faith in Meerut city. Self-made Shivaling in the temple is fruitful and fulfills the desires. For this reason, its name was named Oghadnath Shiva Temple.

During the colonial period, the Indian army had a black palltan. It is located in the inner space area. The database of this establishment was the AS of Janshruti, this temple was the initial spot of fame before 1857. Many chiefs of the Marathas used to enter Mentorya before the Peshwa.

In the role of India's first freedom struggle (1857), this temple has a prominent place. Due to the peaceful environment suitable for security and secrecy, the British established the army’s training center here. Due to the proximity of the Indian platoons, many freedom fighters used to come, stay and do secret consultations with the officers of the Indian platoons in this temple. In these, the elephant Baba used to have a special place. It is said that he was Dhudhapant Nana Saheb.

The soldiers of the army were used to drinking water at the well located in the courtyard of the temple. The arrival of new cartridges of guns in 1856 also became the main reason for the first independence movement. Before using these cartridges, the mouth was opened, in which the fat of the cow was kept, due to which the then priest of the temple refused to give water to the army soldiers. Therefore, before the scheduled 31 May, the soldiers of the agitated army sounded the trumpet of revolution against the British on 10 May 1857.

The martyr memorial established by the lotus of the then Major General Shri Jagjit Singh Arora, the conqueror of Bangladesh, on this historic well is a vivid symbol of the glorious past of the revolution, where even today on 10th May every year freedom fighters gather to pay their floral tributes to the martyrs. Is. and hold conferences.

Old people know that till 1944, there was a small Shiva temple in the forest of trees adjoining the training center and a well (in the form of a pot) was present near it. Gradually, with the idea of ​​upliftment of the temple, Devadhidev Mahadev Pralayankar wished Lord Shankar and Knowing the inspiration, on October 1968 at 5 pm, the foundation stone of the new temple was completed by the blessings of Brahmalin astrologer Thadishwar Anantashri Vibhushit Jagat Guru Shankaracharya Krishnabodhashram Ji amidst the tumultuous sound of Vedic mantras. Prana Pratishtha Mahotsav of new deity idols took place on 13th February 72 after four years in progress.

Popular Name: Kali Paltan Temple, Shri Baba Augharnath Shiv Mandir

औघड़नाथ मंदिर हिन्दी में पढ़ें

मेरठ महानगर में श्री बाबा औघड़नाथ शिव मंदिर एक प्राचीन सिद्धिपीठ है। इस मन्दिर में स्थापित लधुकाय शिवलिंग स्वयंभू, फलप्रदाता तथा मनोकामनायें पूर्ण करने वाले औघड़दानी शिवस्वरूप हैं।

Photo Gallery

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Augharnath Mandir

Augharnath Mandir

Augharnath Mandir

Augharnath Mandir

Augharnath Mandir

Augharnath Mandir

Augharnath Mandir

Augharnath Mandir

Augharnath Mandir

Augharnath Mandir


Om Namah Shivay!
Maa SiddhidatriShivling wit GanGauri ShankarShri Radha KrishnaPrateek for Char DhamBhagwan Shri Shivhari Satsang BhawanMaa TulsiPeepal Tree
Basic Services
Prasad, Drinking Water, Puja Water, Lota for Abhishek, Chandan Ghisane keliye Place, Water Coolar, Power Backup, Office, 24x7 Guards, Shoe Store, Childrens Park, Parking, Washroom, Fountain, Solar Light, Sitting Benches, Coin Exchange Machine
2 October 1967
Organized By
Shri Baba Augharnath Shiv Mandir Samiti
Dedicated To
Lord Shiv
🚫 No (It's not ethical to capture photograph inside the temple when someone engaged in worship! Please also follow temple`s Rules and Tips.)
Free Entry


9-14 February 1972

Renovation of Shiv Dham


13 February 1995

Pran Pratistha of Shri Radha Krishna Temple

4 May 2001

The Kalash Sthapana of Shri Radha Krishna Temple

11 May 2022

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Gorakshpeethadhishwar, Shri Gorakshpeeth member, former MP Gorakhpur Yogi Adityanath: Praying for the happiness, prosperity and health of the people of the state by offering prayers to Lord Shiva at Baba Aughadnath temple.

How To Reach

Address 📧
Meerut Cantt Meerut Uttar Pradesh
Road 🚗
Grass Farm Road >> Nawab Khan Road >> Augarnath Mandir Marg
Social Media
Coordinates 🌐
28.997096°N, 77.690967°E
Augharnath Mandir on Google Map

Temple in Meerut

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