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🌊Varuni Festival - वरुणी पर्व

Varuni Parv Date: Thursday, 27 March 2025
Varuni Festival

Varuni Parva, also known as Maha Varuni Yoga, is an extremely auspicious period for performing bathing rituals. Varuni Yoga is an auspicious time and is associated with the Hindu Samudra Devta Varuna. It is an auspicious time to take holy baths in various holy rivers.

When is Varuni Yoga formed?
The description of Varuni Yoga is also found in various Puranas. This Mahayoga is of three types, on Chaitra Krishna Trayodashi, if Varuna Nakshatra i.e. Shatabhisha happens, then Varuni Yoga is formed. If Chaitra Krishna Trayodashi has Shatabhisha Nakshatra and Saturday, then Mahavaruni Yoga is formed and if Chaitra Krishna Trayodashi has Shatabhisha Nakshatra, Saturday and auspicious yoga, then Maha-Mahavaruni Yoga is formed. In this yoga, by bathing, donating and fasting in pilgrimage places like Ganga etc., auspicious results are obtained similar to chanting rituals performed in crores of solar-moon eclipses.

What to do in Varuni Yoga?
◉ Bathing and donating in other holy rivers including Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Kaveri, Godavari is of great importance in Varuni Yoga.
◉ In Varuni Yoga, Bhagwan Shiva is worshiped by bathing in rivers at places like Haridwar, Allahabad, Varanasi, Ujjain, Rameshwaram, Nashik, etc. It brings all kinds of happiness and opulence in life.On the day of Varuni Yoga, worship of Bhagwan Shiva and Abhishek leads to salvation.
◉ On this day there is great importance of chanting mantras, performing rituals, yagyas, havans etc. The Puranas say that the result of one Yagya performed on this day is equivalent to thousands of Yagyas.
◉ If bathing in holy rivers is not possible, then bathe by pouring water from holy rivers in your own home.

What are the benefits of Varuni Yoga?
✽ Work related to education starts in Varuni Yoga. Starting studies, starting any training course is sure to be successful.
✽ Varuni Yoga is considered very auspicious for starting a new business.
✽ In Varuni Yoga, you can start work on a new project.
✽ Buying a new house, shop, plot is auspicious in Varuni Yoga. This causes them to grow progressively.
✽ It is auspicious to open a new school, college, coaching institute in Varuni Yoga.
✽ If we talk about marriage in Varuni Yoga, then there is no doubt in the relationship being confirmed. On this day, offer Gangajal to Shivling, and offer a garland of Belpatra. Offer a couple of bananas on the Shivling and sit there and chant the Shiva Panchakshari Mantra. This opens the way for early marriage.
✽ If you want to fulfill a particular mantra, then definitely do it on this day, the mantra is proved quickly.

During this time period, by taking all these special measures, your life can be made happy and prosperous.

Related NameVaruni Parv
Begins TithiChaitra Krishna Trayodashi

वरुणी पर्व हिन्दी में पढ़ें

वरुणी पर्व, जिसे महा वरुणी योग भी कहा जाता है, स्नान अनुष्ठान करने के लिए एक अत्यंत शुभ अवधि है।

Related Information

Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Chaitra Krishna Trayodashi
Ends Tithi
Chaitra Krishna Trayodashi
March / April
Past Dates
6 April 2024, 19 March 2023, 30 March 2022, 29 March 2022
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