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📿Tulsidas Jayanti - तुलसीदास जयंती

Tulsidas Jayanti Date: Thursday, 31 July 2025
Tulsidas Jayanti

Tulsidas Jayanti is popularly known as the birth anniversary of the great Hindu saint and poet Goswami Tulsidas. He was also the acclaimed author of the great Hindu epic Ramcharitmanas. Tulsidas Jayanti is celebrated on the 'Saptami' of the Krishna Paksha during the month of 'Sawan' in the traditional Hindu calendar. Hence the day of Tulsidas Jayanti is dedicated in the honor of this great poet and his works. This year Tulsidas Jayanti is being celebrated today i.e. on 23 August 2023.

Who was Tulsidas?
Tulsidas is known as the author of the Hanuman Chalisa and the epic Ramcharitmanas, some consider him to be an incarnation of the sage Valmiki. Tulsidas spent most of his life in the city of Varanasi. The famous Tulsi Ghat on the river Ganges in Varanasi is named after him. The famous Sankat Mochan temple dedicated to Prabhu Hanuman is believed to have been established by Tulsidas.In the Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas, more emphasis has been laid on devotion to God. Of the twelve outstanding works of Tulsidas, Ramcharitmanas was the most famous. It is a popular belief that Parbhu Hanuman helped Saint Tulsidas while composing Ramcharitmanas.

Significance of Tulsidas Jayanti
Tulsidas Jayanti has great religious significance among Hindus. Tulsidas ji was born in the year 1532 in Rajapur village of Uttar Pradesh in the house of Atmaram and Mata Hulasi Devi. Although the year of birth and the place of birth are not exact. It is believed that he was an incarnation of sage Valmiki. He was born with 32 teeth in his mouth and instead of crying he said his first word \"Ram\". That is why he was called Rambola.

According to legends, he was abandoned by his own parents and adopted by a maidservant, but when Tulsidas was 5 years old, the maidservant died. After that, he was adopted by Narharidas and he took him to Varaha Kshetra, where he heard about Ram Manas for the first time. This was the time when his religious and spiritual journey began. Shri Narharidas named him Tulsidas.

There is a story that once Tulsidas ji was very fond of his wife and he ran to show his affection towards her but she replied that if he had shown this affection towards Bhagwan Ram then he would have got salvation and this he Touched very deeply, so he started worshiping Bhagwan Ram with great devotion. He renounced everything and led an ascetic life in Prayag. However, according to some legends he was a bachelor and never married anyone.

Tulsidas ji was known for his devotion to Bhagwan Shri Ram. After this he composed poetry and wrote Ramcharitmanas in Awadhi language. Tulsidas ji was also the author of Hanuman Chalisa (Hanuman ji was the supreme devotee of Shri Ram).

How Tulsidas Jayanti is celebrated:
The day of Tulsidas Jayanti is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in the memory of this great saint. It was because of the easy recitation and meaning of Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas that Bhagwan Ram was known to a common man and also understood as a supreme being. On the auspicious day of Tulsidas Jayanti, various recitations of Shri Ramcharitmanas are conducted in the temples of Prabhu Hanuman and Ram all over the country.

On Tulsidas Jayanti many seminars and seminars are organized based on the teachings of Tulsidas. Along with this, there is also a law to feed Brahmins at many places on this day.

Related NameTulsidas Jayanti, Ramcharitmanas, Hanuman Chalisa, Bhagwan Ram, Hanuman Ji
Begins TithiShravana Shukla Saptami
ReasonGoswami Tulsidas Birthday
CelebrationsRecitation of Shri Ramcharitmanas, Seminars and Seminars, Bhajan, Kirtan, Brahmin Bhoj.

तुलसीदास जयंती हिन्दी में पढ़ें

तुलसीदास जयंती लोकप्रिय महान हिंदू संत और कवि गोस्वामी तुलसीदास की जयंती के रूप में जानी जाती है। तुलसीदास महान हिंदू महाकाव्य रामचरितमानस के प्रशंसित लेखक भी है।

Related Information

Futures Dates
19 August 20268 August 202728 July 2028
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Shravana Shukla Saptami
July / August
Goswami Tulsidas Birthday
Recitation of Shri Ramcharitmanas, Seminars and Seminars, Bhajan, Kirtan, Brahmin Bhoj.
Imp Places
Home, Temple, Aashrams, Shri Ram Temple.
Past Dates
11 August 2024, 23 August 2023, 4 August 2022

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