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🌱Tulsi Pujan Diwas - तुलसी पूजन दिवस

Tulsi Pujan Diwas Date: Thursday, 25 December 2025
Tulsi Pujan Diwas

Tulsi Pujan Diwas, celebrated every year on 25th December, started from the year 2014. Before 2014, Tulsi Pujan Diwas was initiated nationwide under the sacred inspiration of the revered Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu. Realizing the medicinal and religious importance of the Tulsi plant, the Central Ministers of the Government of India, sages and common people have started celebrating 25th December every year as Tulsi Pujan Diwas.

Tulsi is not just a plant but a boon for the earth and for this reason it is considered revered in Hinduism. In Ayurveda, Tulsi has been called nectar because of its medicinal properties.

Religious Significance of Tulsi Plant
❀ It is said that poverty never comes in the house where Tulsi is worshiped according to the rules and water is offered. Mata Lakshmi's blessings always remain in that house. Apart from this, by worshiping specially on Tulsi Vivah day, the obstacle related to marriage of a person ends.
❀ In Hinduism, any ritual, worship or auspicious work is considered incomplete without Tulsi. Tulsi is very dear to Bhagwan Vishnu. For this reason, Tulsi leaves are definitely included in the bhog of the Bhagwan.
❀ It is a belief in Hinduism that in the houses where there is Tulsi plant and regular worship and lamp is lit, there is always the abode of Maa Lakshmi.
❀ In the houses where Tulsi is planted, the joy of devotion to Bhagwan Krishna is attained and Brahma and Lakshmiji also sit with all the deities.
❀ Negative energy runs away from the houses where the Tulsi plant is planted.

For worship of Shri Tulsi Maharani! today`s special..
Tulsi Aarti [Maharani Namo Namo]
❀ Aarti: Jai Jai Tulsi Mata
Shri Tulasi Chalisa
Shri Tulsi Stuti
Shri Tulsi Stotram
Shri Tulsi Namashtakam Strotam
Tulsi Ashtottara Shatnam Namavali

Most of the Hindu festivals are celebrated according to the lunar calendar or Sankranti based calendar. But due to the new tradition, this Tulsi Pujan Utsav is celebrated only on 25 December.

Begins Tithi25 December

तुलसी पूजन दिवस हिन्दी में पढ़ें

श्री तुलसी महारानी पूजन हेतु! आज का विशेष.. तुलसी पूजन उत्सव 25 दिसंबर को ही मनाया जाता है।

Medicinal importance of Tulsi plant

❀ Research has shown that the Tulsi plant has antibacterial, antifungal and antibiotic properties which enable the body to fight infections.
❀ Tulsi is a very effective remedy to deal with infectious diseases.
❀ The air around the houses or places where the Tulsi plant is planted becomes pure.
❀ Regular intake of Tulsi leads to flow of energy in the body and increases the age of the person.

Tulsi also has special importance in Vastu Shastra. Green Tulsi in the house is an indicator of happiness, prosperity and good luck, as well as it is considered auspicious for the economic condition of the family.

Related Information

Futures Dates
25 December 202625 December 202725 December 2028
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
25 December
Past Dates
25 December 2024

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