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💫Surya Grahan - सूर्य ग्रहण

Surya Grahan

Surya grahan is a type of grahan when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and when viewed from Earth, the Sun is completely or partially covered by the Moon. The surya grahan event always happens only on the new moon (amavasya). According to the belief of the Puranas, Rahu affects the Moon and Ketu affects the Sun. Both of them are the children of (chhaya) shadow, the shadows of the Moon and the Sun move together.
In the year 2024, no eclipse will be visible in India.

Surya Grahan in Hindu Mythology
According to Hindu mythology, the solar and lunar grahans are associated with the Samudra Manthan. When the samudra manthan happened, Amrit was produced, this kalash was stolen by the Asuras (demons). To obtain the kalash, bhagwan Vishnu incarnated as a beautiful maiden Mohini and tried to appease and distract the demons. After getting the kalash, Mohini came to the gods to distribute them. Rahu, one of the demons sat down to get some portion of the amrit. Surya (Sun) and Chandra (Moon) realized that Rahu was a demon - Asura and not one of the gods. Knowing this, Mohini beheaded Rahu, who is believed to be still alive.

Thus, Rahu is considered to take revenge on Surya and Chandra in the form of solar and lunar grahans. This is why according to Hindu mythology, the radiations of an grahan are considered to be a bad omen as they are reflections of Rahu.

What to do during surya grahan in Hindu mythology?
❀ In Hinduism, the rays of the grahan are considered harmful and thus people usually do not do any work on that day.
❀ Temples remain closed. Many people keep a complete fast even for 12 hours on that day before the grahan.
❀ It is forbidden to apply oil, eat food, drink water, defecate, make hair, play sports, and brush during the grahan period.
❀ Pregnant women are advised not to walk in the sun, or under any circumstances be exposed to the sun's rays.
❀ Sleeping during grahan should also be avoided. If water is consumed it is advised to purify it with basil or basil leaves.
❀ At the time of surya grahan, the power of gastric, eyes and pitta weakens.
❀ People also believe in charitable works like donating money, gold etc. during the grahan.

Mantra chanting during surya grahan:
According to Hindu mythology, chanting of mantras during a grahan has religious significance as it is believed to ward off the evil effects of a grahan. The following mantras are popularly chanted:
Gayatri Mantra: Om bhur bhuvah svah, tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi, dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
Ashtakshara Mantra: Mahamrityunjaya Mantra: Surya Kavach Stotra, Aditya Hriday Stotram

* Most of the calculations of solar eclipse are based on the time of Delhi, the capital of India.

Related Namesurya grahan, solar eclipce, hindu mythology, rules in solar eclipce
Begins TithiAmavasya

सूर्य ग्रहण हिन्दी में पढ़ें

सूर्य ग्रहण एक प्रकार का ग्रहण है जब चंद्रमा पृथ्वी और सूर्य के बीच से गुजरता है और जब पृथ्वी से देखा जाता है, तो सूर्य पूरी तरह या आंशिक रूप से चंद्रमा से ढका होता है। सूर्य ग्रहण की घटना हमेशा अमावस्या पर ही होती है।

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