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☸️Sudarshana Jayanti - सुदर्शन जयंती

Sudrashan Jayanti Date: Saturday, 5 July 2025
Sudarshana Jayanti

Sudarshan Chakra Jayanti is dedicated to the Sudarshan Chakra of the Hindu Bhagwan Vishnu. It is believed that the holy circle made its presence felt on this day. Sudarshan Chakra Jayanti is celebrated on Ashadh Dashami of Shukla Paksha. This year the date of Sudarshan Jayanti will be celebrated on 16th July,2024. It is said that worshiping Sudarshan Chakra is equivalent to worshiping all the dashavatar of Bhagwan Vishnu. The day holds great significance for many Vaishnav sects in South India.

What is this Sudarshan Chakra?
The Sudarshan Chakra is a glimpse of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by whom He creates the entire material world. The Sudarshan Chakra, which is the origin of the universe and is dearest to the bhagwan, has thousands of spokes. This Sudarshan Chakra is the killer of all other weapons, the killer of darkness, and the manifestation of the skill of devotional service; It is the means of establishing religious principles, and it is the killer of all irreligious activities. Without His mercy, the universe cannot be maintained, and therefore the Sudarshana Chakra is employed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

In the Puri Jagannath Temple, devotees worship the Sudarshan Chakra in the form of a moving statue of the Bhagwan. There is a ritual in every festival, the first worship of the priest is the Sudarshan Chakra followed by the worship of the second god, the same thing is repeated in the Rath Yatra. It is believed that worshiping Sudarshan Chakra helps in curing various diseases. It is also worshiped for attaining salvation and absolution of sins.

Sudarshan Yantra is worshiped on the day of Sudarshan Chakra Jayanti. Other special pujas and prayers dedicated to the chakra are observed in homes and temples on this day.

Related NameSudarshana Jayanthi, Sudarshana Chakra Jayanti
Begins TithiAshadha Shukla Dashami
CelebrationsBhajan Kirtan, Tableau, Aarti

सुदर्शन जयंती हिन्दी में पढ़ें

सुदर्शन चक्र जयंती के दिन सुदर्शन यंत्र की पूजा की जाती है। चक्र को समर्पित अन्य विशेष पूजा और प्रार्थनाएं इस दिन घरों और मंदिरों में मनाई जाती हैं।

Related Information

Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Ashadha Shukla Dashami
June - July
Om Namo Narayanaya
Bhajan Kirtan, Tableau, Aarti
Past Dates
16 July 2024, 28 June 2023, 9 July 2022, 8 July 2022
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