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✨Soorasamharam - सूरसम्हारम

Soorasamharam Date: Monday, 27 October 2025

In South India, Kartikeya, the son of Bhagwan Shiva and Devi Parvati, is known as Murugan or Ayyappa. According to the scriptures, on the day of Skanda Shashti, Bhagwan Kartikeya had killed a demon named Tarakasura, so by worshiping Bhagwan Kartikeya on this day one attains the characteristics of high yoga in life. During Skanda Sashti, the devotees observe a fast for six days which starts from the first day of the lunar month of Kartik or Pirthmai and ends on the sixth day which is known as Soorasamharam day. The day of Skanda Shashti is decided on the basis of the lunar month and this festival falls on the sixth day of the month of Kartik. This festival falls in the month of either Aippasi or Kartikai of the Tamil calendar.

How to celebrate Skanda Shashti and Soorasamharam
❀ Soorasamharam is the last and most important day of the six-day festival during Skanda Shashti. It is believed that Bhagwan Murugan defeated the demon Surapadman in a battle on the day of Soorasamharam. That's why the festival of Soorasamharam is celebrated every year to give the message of victory of good over evil to the world.

❀ It is important to remember that, on the day when Shashthi Tithi and Panchami Tithi coincide, Soorasamharam Vratam is performed. That's why most temples celebrate Kanda Shashthi on Panchami Tithi, when Shashthi Tithi starts before sunset on Panchami Tithi.

❀ The Skanda Sashti festival is most popular in Thiruchendur Murugan Temple. Starting from the first date of the month of Kartik, the six-day festival ends on Soorasamharam day. Thiru Kalyanam is celebrated on the next day of Soorasamharam.

What happens during the Soorasamharam festival?
Several ceremonies take place before the Soorasamharam on the last day of the Skanda Sashti festival. Special pujas are conducted and the deity of Murugan is consecrated in the ritual of Abhishekam. Devotees go to the temple and have darshan of the deity.

Where is this festival mainly celebrated?
Skanda Sashti, also known as Kanda Sashti, is a very important festival dedicated to Bhagwan Murugan. Skanda Sashti festival is mainly celebrated by Tamil Hindus. Soorasamharam festival is also called Suranporu.

Related NameSoorasamharam, Suranporu, Skanda Sashti
Begins TithiFirst day of Kartik lunar month
ReasonBhagwan Murugan
CelebrationsPrayer at Temple, Vrat, Puja at Home

सूरसम्हारम हिन्दी में पढ़ें

दक्षिण भारत में भगवान शिव और देवी पार्वती के पुत्र कार्तिकेय को मुरुगन या अयप्पा के नाम से जाना जाता है। शास्त्रों के अनुसार स्कंद षष्ठी के दिन भगवान कार्तिकेय ने तारकासुर नामक राक्षस का वध किया था इसलिए इस दिन भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा करने से जीवन में उच्च योग के लक्षण प्राप्त होते हैं। स्कंद षष्ठी के दौरान, भक्त छह दिनों का उपवास रखते हैं जो कार्तिक या पिरथमाई के चंद्र महीने के पहले दिन से शुरू होता है और छठे दिन समाप्त होता है जिसे सूरसम्हारम दिवस के रूप में जाना जाता है।

Related Information

Futures Dates
15 November 20264 November 202723 October 2028
1 Days
Begins Tithi
First day of Kartik lunar month
Ends Tithi
Kartik lunar month Shashti
November - December
Bhagwan Murugan
Prayer at Temple, Vrat, Puja at Home
Imp Places
Dakshin Bharat
Past Dates
7 November 2024, 18 November 2023
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