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🏹Shabri Jayanti - शबरी जयंती

Shabri Jayanti Date: Sunday, 8 February 2026
Shabri Jayanti

According to the Hindu calendar, Shabri Jayanti is celebrated every year on the Saptami day of Krishna Paksha of Phalgun month. It is the day of the devotee's love feeling towards Bhagwan which is celebrated with great joy and gaiety. Mata Shabri is worshiped along with Bhagwan Shri Ram on this day. Shabri Jayanti will be celebrated on 20 February in 2025.

Dharmik Manyata of Shabri Jayanti
It is a religious belief that on the Saptami day of Krishna Paksha of Phalgun month in Treta Yug, mata Shabri got the darshan of bhagwan Shri Ram. On this occasion, mata fed juthe berries to bhagwan Shri Ram after welcoming him to the ashram. On the other hand, Bhagwan Shriram had eaten juthe berries with great enthusiasm. The feeling of love was hidden behind feeding juthe berries. Now there was a doubt in the mind of the mata that even the berries are sour. For this, mata used to taste the berry first herself and then used to feed the same berry to Shri Ram. When mother Shabri got sour berries, she did not give them to Bhagwan. Sheshnag avatar Lakshman was amazed to see this scene. This love feeling of bhagwan and bhakt was unimaginable. That's why Shabari Jayanti is celebrated with great pomp every year.

Worship method of Shabri Jayanti
❀ On this day, after getting up in Brahma Bela, first of all, remember bhagwan Shri Ram and Mata Shabri and do Namaskar.
❀ After this, clean the house and retire from daily work. Now take a bath with water containing Gangajal and wear new clothes after meditating.
❀ After this, purify yourself by doing aamchan and take a vow of fasting and worship bhagwan Shri Ram and Mata Shabri, worship with fruits, flowers, durva, vermilion, Akshat, incense, lamp, incense sticks etc.
It is written in religious scriptures that Shabari Mata and bhagwan Shri Ram must be offered berries in the Prasad.
❀ After this perform aarti and pray for the well-being of your family.
❀ Keep fast for the whole day and eat fruits after performing aarti in the evening.
❀ Next day you break the fast after worshiping like a regular day.

Begins TithiSaptami of Krishna Paksha of Phalgun month
ReasonBhagwan Shri Ram, Mata Shabri
CelebrationsPrayer at Temple, Vrat, Puja at Home

शबरी जयंती हिन्दी में पढ़ें

हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार हर साल फाल्गुन मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की सप्तमी के दिन शबरी जयंती मनाई जाती है। यह भगवन के प्रति भक्त का प्रेम भावना का दिन है जिसे बड़े आनन्द उल्लास के साथ मनाया जाता है। इस दिन भगवान श्रीराम सहित माता शबरी की पूजा की जाती है।

Related Information

Futures Dates
27 February 202716 February 20285 February 202924 February 2030
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Saptami of Krishna Paksha of Phalgun month
February - March
Bhagwan Shri Ram, Mata Shabri
Prayer at Temple, Vrat, Puja at Home
Past Dates
20 February 2025, 3 March 2024, 13 February 2023
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