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✨Narak Chaturdashi - नरक चतुर्दशी

Roop Chaudas Date: Monday, 20 October 2025
Narak Chaturdashi

Narak Chaturdashi is also known as Roop Chaturdashi, Narka Chaturdashi, Narka Chaudas, Roop Chaudas or Narka Puja. On this day, there is a law to worship Yamraj, the god of death, on Kartik Krishna Chaturdashi.

It is celebrated as Choti Deepawali. On this day, after the evening, lamps are lit and lights are lit all around.

Narak Chaturdashi is considered similar to Kali Chaudas. But, both the festivals are two different festivals celebrated on the same date. These two festivals may be on different days depending on the beginning and end of Chaturdashi Tithi.

The importance of Abhyang Snan is considered on Narak Chaturdashi, hence the calculation of Narak Chaturdashi date is based on Abhyanga Snan Muhurta. So this date can be a day before or on the same day of Lakshmi Puja. When Chaturdashi Tithi is before sunrise and Amavasya Tithi prevails after sunset then Naraka Chaturdashi and Lakshmi Puja fall on the same day. Abhyanga Snan on Chaturdashi Tithi is always done during moonrise but before sunrise.

Narak Chaturdashi Katha:
According to a legend, on this day, Bhagwan Krishna had killed the tyrannical and vicious Narakasura and freed sixteen thousand and one hundred girls from the prison house of Narakasura and honored them.

So the demon Narakasura requested Bhagwan Krishna, today you are not only killing me but you are putting an end to all the bad deeds done by me, so it should be celebrated like a festival.

Shri Krishna killed the demon Mura before Narakasura, because there was no way to win both Narakasura and Mura together. Shri Krishna was named Murari because he killed Mura.

Related NameRoop Chaudas, Roop Chaturdashi, Narak Chaudas, Nark Chaturdashi
Begins TithiKartik Krishna Chaturdashi
CelebrationsPooja, Bhajan Kirtan, Worship in the Temple, Deep Dan

नरक चतुर्दशी हिन्दी में पढ़ें

नरक चतुर्दशी को रूप चतुर्दशी, नर्क चतुर्दशी, नरक चौदस, रुप चौदस अथवा नरका पूजा के नामों से जाना जाता है।

Narak Chaturdashi 2024 Muhurat

Narak Chaturdashi : Thursday, 31st October 2024
Abhyang Snan Muhurat : 5:20 AM - 06:32 AM

Moonrise time - 5:20 PM

Chaturdashi Tithi : 30 October 2024 at 1:15 PM - 31 October 2024 at 03:52 PM

Related Information

Futures Dates
8 November 202628 October 2027
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Kartik Krishna Chaturdashi
Ends Tithi
Kartik Krishna Chaturdashi
October / November
Pooja, Bhajan Kirtan, Worship in the Temple, Deep Dan
Imp Places
Home, Lord Vishnu Temple, Shri Ram Temple, Shri Krishna Temple, ISKCON Temple.
Past Dates
31 October 2024, 12 November 2023, 24 October 2022, 4 November 2021
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