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✨Kushotpatini Amavasya - कुशोत्पाटिनी अमावस्या

Kushotpatini Amavasya Date: Saturday, 23 August 2025
Kushotpatini Amavasya

Bhadrapada Krishna Amavasya is called Kushottpatini Amavasya. On this day, for the whole year, the priests collect kusha grass from the river, pond, reservoir etc. and keep it in the house. Kusha grass is used for performing rituals.

Kushotpatini Amavasya is mainly celebrated in the forenoon(पूर्वाह्न). Kushotpatini Amavasya is also known as Kushaghani Amavasya.

Significance of Kushotpatini Amavasya
It is believed that by uprooting a grass named Kusha on this day, it works throughout the year and Kusha is brought up on this new moon day to perform puja, recitation, rituals, etc.In Hinduism, no worship is considered successful without Kush. Hence it is also called Kushagrahani or Kushotpatini Amavasya. If Somvati Amavasya falls in the month of Bhadrapada, then this Kusha can be used for 12 years. On the occasion of any worship, the priest wears a sacred thread made of Kush on the ring finger of the host.

Related NameKushagrahani Amavasya
Begins TithiBhadrapada Shukla Amavasya
ReasonTo collect Kusha for use throughout the year.
CelebrationsPooja, Bhajan Kirtan, Katha.

कुशोत्पाटिनी अमावस्या हिन्दी में पढ़ें

भाद्रपद कृष्ण अमावस्या को कुशोत्पाटिनी अमावस्या कहा जाता है। इस दिन वर्ष भर के लिए पुरोहित नदी, पोखर, जलाशय आदि से कुशा घास एकत्रित कर घर में रखते हैं।

Kusha Utpatti Katha

According to mythological beliefs, once Hiranyakashipu's elder brother Hiranyaksha kidnapped the earth. Hiranyaksha took the earth to Patal Lok, the demon king was so powerful that no one could even oppose him. Then Lord Vishnu incarnated as Varaha to liberate the earth and freed the earth by killing Hiranyaksha. And restored the earth to its former state.

After establishing the earth, Bhagwan Varaha was very drenched, due to which he gave a very strong blow to his body, due to the shaking, his hair broke and fell on the earth, due to which Kusha was born. Bhagwan Brahma resides in the root of Kusha, Bhagwan Vishnu in the middle part and Bhagwan Shiva in the top part.

According to the belief, Kusha should be obtained from a clean water source or puddle. One should face towards the east direction and slowly uproot the kusha with his hand. Keep in mind that it should remain whole and the top tip should not break.

Medical Use of Kush

The use of Kusha in medicine and religious works has been described since ancient times. There is a description of the use of Kush in urology and mammography etc.

Other names of Kusha
The botanical name of Kush is Desmostachya bipinnata. Kusha is called sacrificial grass in English. In different provinces of India, Kusha is known by many names Kusa, Suchyagra, sacred, Yajnabhushan, Kus, Darbhaipul, Darbha and also known as Halfa Grass.

Related Information

Futures Dates
11 September 202631 August 2027
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Bhadrapada Shukla Amavasya
Ends Tithi
Bhadrapada Shukla Amavasya
August / September
To collect Kusha for use throughout the year.
Pooja, Bhajan Kirtan, Katha.
Imp Places
House, Pond, Spring, River, Water Source.
Past Dates
2 September 2024, 14 September 2023, 27 August 2022, 7 September 2021
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