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🗡️Kalki Avtaran Diwas - कल्कि अवतरण दिवस

Kalki Jayanti Date: Wednesday, 30 July 2025
Kalki Avtaran Diwas

The incarnation of Bhagwan Kalki, the tenth incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu, will take place at the end of Kali Yuga, this incarnation day of Bhagwan Kalki is known as Kalki Jayanti.

At the end of Kali Yuga, when the sins on earth will be greatly increased, then Bhagwan Vishnu will appear in the form of Kalki to destroy the wicked. Kalki is considered to be the last incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu. The incarnation of Bhagwan Kalki will be in the period of Kaliyug and Satyug. Bhagwan Kalki's horse would be named Devdatta, and his guru would be Parashuram.

The mention of Kalki Avtar is also found in the Chaubis (24) Avtar section of the Dasam Granth, a historical Sikh scripture composed by Guru Gobind Singh.

Bhagwan Kalki is also described as the tenth incarnation of Sri Hari in Sri Dashvatar Stotra of Sri Geetgovindam composed by Sri Jayadev Goswami.

Mlechchh-nivah-nidhane Kalayasi Karavalam
Dhmmaketum Iv Kim Api Karalam
Keshav Dhrt-kalki-shareer Jay Jagadeesh Hare ॥ 10 ॥
Arthat: Hey Jagdishwar Shrihare ! Hey Keshinisudan ! Aapne Kalkiroop Dharankar Mlechchhonka Vinash Karte Hue Dhumketuke Saman Bhayankar Kripanko Dharan Kiya Hai । Aapki Jay Ho ॥

Related NameKalki Jayanti
Begins Tithi Shravan Shukla Shashthi
ReasonIncarnation day of Lord Kalki.
CelebrationsBhajan, Kirtan.

कल्कि अवतरण दिवस हिन्दी में पढ़ें

भगवान विष्णु के दसवें अवतार भगवान कल्कि का अवतरण कलियुग के अंत में होगा, भगवान कल्कि के इस अवतरण दिवस को कल्कि जयंती के नाम से जाना जाता है।

Related Information

Futures Dates
18 August 20267 August 2027
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Shravan Shukla Shashthi
Ends Tithi
Shravan Shukla Shashthi
July / August
Incarnation day of Lord Kalki.
Bhajan, Kirtan.
Imp Places
Home, Bhagwan Vishnu Temple
Past Dates
10 August 2024, 22 August 2023, 3 August 2022, 13 August 2021, 25 July 2020
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