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👩‍👦Jamai Sasthi - जमाई षष्ठी

Jamai Sasthi Date: Sunday, 1 June 2025
Jamai Sasthi

The festival of Jamai Sashti is celebrated on the sixth day of the month of Jyestha of the traditional Hindu calendar. 'Jamai' means son-in-law and 'Shashti' is the sixth day in a fortnight in the traditional Hindu calendar. Jamai Sashti festival is dedicated to strengthen the bond between the son-in-law and his mother-in-law.

Why is Jamai Sashthi celebrated?
Jamai Sashti is celebrated as a day of reunion and happiness. It is the day when mothers-in-law perform Sashti Puja to please Devi Sashti and seek her blessings for the good fortune and prosperity of their daughters and sons-in-law.

Method of celebrating Jamai Shashti festival
❀ On Jamai Sashti, the mother-in-law invites her son-in-law and her daughter to come to her house.
❀ On the day of Jamai Sashti, the mother-in-law takes a bath early in the morning and worships Devi Sashti and a delicious plate of Bengali dishes is prepared at home.
❀ A plate of rice, durbo (grass) and five types of fruits are offered to the Devi.
❀ A small drop of curd is put on the son-in-law's forehead and a yellow thread is tied around his wrist. The thread is dyed yellow with turmeric and is called 'Shashti Suto', which is blessed by Maa Sashti.
❀ The mother-in-law then performs the ritual in which a plate containing six fruits is touched to the son-in-law's forehead.
❀ After Devi Sashti Puja, the mother-in-law prays for the long life and well-being of her daughter and son-in-law. And sprinkle holy water on everyone.
❀ After the completion of the puja, the son-in-law is fed with lots of love and affection by the mother-in-law and is also given a gift.

Jamai Sashti is a day dedicated to the son-in-law. This festival is mainly celebrated in West Bengal. The day is considered auspicious and most families organize a party dedicated to the son-in-law. A grand feast is also organized to mark the occasion.

Related NameJamai Sasthi, Jamai Pujo
ReasonMata Sasthi Puja
CelebrationsDevi worship at home, son-in-law worship

जमाई षष्ठी हिन्दी में पढ़ें

जमाई षष्ठी का त्योहार पारंपरिक हिंदू कैलेंडर के ज्येष्ठ महीने के छठे दिन मनाया जाता है। 'जमाई' का अर्थ है दामाद और पारंपरिक हिंदू कैलेंडर में पखवाड़े में 'षष्ठी' छठा दिन होता है। जमाई षष्ठी उत्सव दामाद और उनकी सास के बीच के बंधन को मजबूत करने के लिए समर्पित है।

Related Information

1 Days
May / June
Mata Sasthi Puja
Devi worship at home, son-in-law worship
Imp Places
West Bengal
Past Dates
12 June 2024, 25 May 2023
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