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✨Hanuman Puja - हनुमान-पूजा

Hanuman Puja Date: Sunday, 19 October 2025
Hanuman Puja

Diwali which is known as Panchparva. It starts with Dhanteras and ends with Bhai Dooj. There is also a small Diwali in this festival which lasts for five days. Which is known as Narak Chaturdashi. Special worship of Hanuman ji is done on this day. Due to which a person can get auspicious results.

Mythological story of Hanuman Puja on Chhoti Diwali
According to legend, Diwali is celebrated to celebrate the return of Bhagwan Ram to Ayodhya after defeating Ravan and completing his fourteen years of exile. Pleased with Hanuman ji's devotion and dedication, Bhagwan Shri Ram had given a boon to Hanuman ji that Hanuman ji would be worshiped before him. That is why people worship Bhagwan Hanuman a day before Diwali.

Related Namechhoti diwali, hanuman puja
ReasonBhagwan Hanuman
CelebrationsPrayer at Temple, Puja at Home

हनुमान-पूजा हिन्दी में पढ़ें

छोटी दिवाली जिसे नरक चतुर्दशी के नाम से जाना जाता है। इस दिन हनुमान जी की विशेष पूजा की जाती है। जिससे व्यक्ति को शुभ फल की प्राप्ति हो सकती हैं।

Auspicious Time for Hanuman Puja 2023

Diwali Hanuman Puja on Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Diwali Hanuman Puja Muhurta - 11:39 PM to 12:31 AM, October 31

On this day, Shri Hanuman Janmotsav is celebrated in the famous Hanumangarhi Mandir of Ayodhya. However, most devotees in North India celebrate Hanuman Janmotsav on Chaitra Purnima.

Puja Vidhi of Bhagwan Hanuman

❀ On the day of Narak Chaturdashi, apply sesame oil on the entire body and take bath in the morning. According to the scriptures, it is said that Hanuman ji is considered a god who is easily pleased. Therefore they should be worshiped especially.
❀ After taking bath, install the idol of Hanuman ji and light the lamp.
❀ After this worship Hanuman ji and recite Hanuman Chalisa.
❀ On this day, go to Hanuman temple and offer prasad as per your capacity.
❀ After worshiping, perform Aarti of Bhagwan Hanuman and distribute the Prasad among all the people.
❀ On this day, there is a tradition of lighting 14 oil and sesame oil lamps at night.

Importance of worshiping Hanuman ji

According to Valmiki Ramayan, it is said that on this day at midnight, Hanuman ji was born from the womb of Mata Anjani. Therefore, to attain every kind of happiness, peace and joy, special worship of Hanuman ji is done on this day on Narak Chaturdashi. It is believed that by doing special worship of Bhagwan Hanuman, all troubles go away.

Related Information

Futures Dates
6 November 202627 November 202716 October 2028
1 Days
October - November
Om Han Hanumate Namah
Bhagwan Hanuman
Prayer at Temple, Puja at Home
Imp Places
Uttar Pradesh, North India
Past Dates
30 October 2024, 11 November 2023
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