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📜Gita Jayanti - गीता जयंती

Gita Jayanti Date: Monday, 1 December 2025
Gita Jayanti

Gita Jayanti is celebrated as a major festival in Hinduism because according to Hindu mythology Gita itself is a very sacred scripture which was narrated by Bhagwan Krishna himself to Arjuna. Gita Jayanti is celebrated every year on Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha. The Bhagavad Gita, the holy book of the Hindus, was born on this day. This day is also called Mokshada Ekadashi.

Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi's views on Gita:
I have no better gift to give to the world,
And neither world has any good gift to take from it.

Related NameGeeta Jayanti, Geeta Utsav, Mokshada Ekadashi, Matsya Dwadashi
Begins TithiMargashirsha Shukla Ekadashi
ReasonSymbolic Birth of Srimad Bhagvad Gita.
CelebrationsChanting Gita, Donate The Book of Gita, Gita Book Fair.

गीता जयंती हिन्दी में पढ़ें

गीता जयंती श्रीमद् भगवद् गीता का प्रतीकात्मक जन्म है। यह हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार मार्गशीर्ष शुक्ल एकादशी पर मनाया जाता है। अंतर्राष्ट्रीय गीता महोत्सव 2024 28 November - 15 December 2024 तक आयोजन किया जा रहा है।

International Gita Mahotsav 2024

International Gita Mahotsav 2024 Schedule : 28 November - 15 December 2024

Every Online Only: On the occasion of Gita Mahotsav of art, craft, dishes, culture, history, heritage and spirituality, dharmakshtra is being held in Kurukshetra.

International Gita Mahotsav is organized by Kurukshetra Development Board, Haryana Tourism, District Administration, North Zone Cultural Centre Patiala and Information and Public Relations Department Haryana. Millions of people actively participate in Shilp Mela, Yagya, Geeta Path, Bhajan, Aarti, Dance Drama and other activities. For more information about International Gita Mahotsav visit its official website

Gita Jayanti Celebration in ISKCON

Gita Jayanti Celebration in ISKCON
Gita Jayanti is celebrated every year in the month of December. During this month in ISKCON, devotees serve the Bhagwan by distributing the Bhagavad Gita to the residents and surrounding areas. On this day, devotees gather together to recite all the 700 shlokas, remembering this sacred conversation between the Bhagwan and his beloved devotee.

ISKCON organizes the Gita Daan Yagya Mahotsav every year, a 30-day festival, during which it aims to distribute 1 lakh Gitas. ISKCON believes that Bhagwan Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita says that whoever spreads my message to the world is the person dearest to me. Therefore, in order to gain the mercy of Bhagwan Krishna, devotees selflessly distribute the Bhagavad Gita.

Srimad Bhagvad Gita

1. Arjuna Visada Yoga - Arjuna's Dilemma
2. Sankhya Yoga - Transcendental Knowledge
3. Karma Yoga - Path of Selfless Service
4. Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga - Path of Knowledge and the Disciplines of Action
5. Karma Sanyasa Yoga - Path of Renunciation
6. Dhyana Yoga - Path of Meditation
7. Gyaan Vigyana Yoga - Self-Knowledge and Enlightenment
8. Akshara Brahma Yoga - Path of the Eternal God
9. Raja Vidya Yoga - Yoga through the King of Sciences
10. Vibhooti Yoga - Yoga through Appreciating the Infinite Opulences of God
11. Vishwaroopa Darshana Yoga - Yoga through Beholding the Cosmic Form of God
12. Bhakti Yoga - The Yoga of Devotion
13. Ksetra Ksetrajna Vibhaaga Yoga - Yoga through Distinguishing the Field and the Knower of the Field
14. Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga - Yoga through Understanding the Three Modes of Material Nature
15. Purushottama Yoga - The Yoga of the Supreme Divine Personality
16. Daivasura Sampad Vibhaga Yoga - Yoga through Discerning the Divine and Demoniac Natures
17. Sraddhatraya Vibhaga Yoga - Yoga through Discerning the Three Divisions of Faith
18. Moksha Sanyaas Yoga - Yoga through the Perfection of Renunciation and Surrender

Related Information

Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Margashirsha Shukla Ekadashi
November / December
Symbolic Birth of Srimad Bhagvad Gita.
Chanting Gita, Donate The Book of Gita, Gita Book Fair.
Imp Places
Kurukshetra, Shri Krishn Temple, ISKCON Temple.
Past Dates
11 December 2024, 22 December 2023, 3 December 2022, 14 December 2021, 25 December 2020, 8 December 2019
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