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⚱️Ghee Sankranti - घी संक्रांति

Ghee Sankranti Date: Sunday, 17 August 2025
Ghee Sankranti

The state of Uttarakhand is known for its culture and tradition. Ghee Sankranti is famous among such traditional festivals. It is also called Ghu Sankranti, Ghu Tyar, Ghiyu Sankrant and Olgia. Eating ghee on the day of Ghee Sankranti has special significance.

When and how Ghee Sankranti is celebrated:
◉ Ghee Sankranti festival is celebrated on the first date of Bhado month.
◉ People fill ghee in the bowl and offer it first and then it is considered auspicious to eat ghee in the pot. Then make different dishes and offer it as bhog.
◉ The festival of Ghee Sankranti is celebrated with great pomp in the state of Uttarakhand.

Folk beliefs related to Ghee Sankranti festival
◉ On this day it is customary to eat Bedu roti (bread filled with urad dal) with butter or ghee.
◉ On this festival, first of all the farmers of the village offer oleag of Gebe (Arabic leaves), maize, curd, ghee, butter etc. to the village deity.
◉ Olaag is also given to Pandits, priests and relatives.

More information about Ghee Sankranti:
◉ Basically it is a seasonal festival. Which is celebrated enthusiastically by farmers and livestock farmers associated with farming.
◉ On this day, the women of the village houses rub fresh butter on the heads of their children. Also wish him a long life.
◉ The farmers of the village used to offer fruits, vegetables and vegetables grown in their fields to the royal court. This was called the custom of Olag.
◉ Irrespective of the family background of a person, on this day everyone must apply ghee or butter on the head and use it in food.

◉ In Kumaon Mandal, this seasonal festival is called 'Olgia'. Gifts are given on this festival so the special offering was called Olag. In the olden times, the farmers of this place used to give these gifts to their landlords and the government. According to ancient folk beliefs, on this day gifts (Olag) were also given by the son-in-law to his in-laws.

Current status of the festival
People who were not farmers, that is, artisans, gave to their local owners and patrons their hand-made crafts, such as blacksmith-sickles, spades, lamp-stands, cages, etc., tailor patterned caps, wallets, clothes of gods and goddesses, etc. and carpenters to play with children. For this, they used to bring Kadkadwa Baja, doli, wooden piggy bank etc. Due to the extinction of home crafts and alienation of traditional businesses, the tradition of giving 'Olag' (gift) has also ended.

But in the rural society, the tradition of celebrating 'Ghee Sankranti' and eating cowpeas only after first offering them to the gods and goddesses and worshipers is still alive. But it is difficult to say how long it will be able to survive in the new urbanization cycle.

Related NameGhee Tyar, Ghu Sankranti, Ghu Tyar, Ghiyu Sankrant, Olgia

घी संक्रांति हिन्दी में पढ़ें

उत्तराखंड राज्य अपनी संस्कृति और परंपरा के लिए जाना जाता है। घी संक्रांति को क्षेत्रीय भाषा में घी त्यार, घ्यू त्यार, घु संक्रांति और ओल्गिया भी कहा जाता है।

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Past Dates
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