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💰Dhanteras - धनतेरस

Dhanteras Date: Saturday, 18 October 2025

Bhagwan Dhanwantari was born on the Trayodashi Tithi of Kartik Krishna Paksha, hence this date is known as Dhanteras or Dhantrayodashi. The Government of India has decided to celebrate Dhanteras as National Ayurveda Day. Dhanwantari is the physician of the gods and is considered the god of medicine, so the day of Dhanteras is very important for the doctors.

The Hindu Vaishnav sampraday considers Sri Dhanwantari as the 17th incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu and the father of Ayurveda, a valid and ancient healing system for the gods. Bhagwan Dhanwantari is born from the sagar manthan with the Amrit Kalash.

Dhanteras is also called Dhanya Teras or Dhyan Teras in Jain Agama, Bhagwan Mahavira had gone to the third and fourth meditation on this day for Yoga Nirodha and after three days of meditation attained Nirvana on the day of Deepawali while doing Yoga Nirodha. Since then this day became famous as Dhanya Teras.

Worship method on the day of Dhanteras
❀ On the day of Dhanteras, establish Kuber and Dhanwantari towards the north in auspicious time in the evening.
❀ Also install an idol or picture of Maa Lakshmi, Ganesh. Then light the lamp and do the worship.
❀ After doing Tilak, offer flowers, fruits etc.
❀ Offer white sweets to Kuber Devta and yellow sweets to Dhanvantari Dev.
❀ Keep chanting this mantra 'Om Hreem Kuberai Namah' during the worship.
❀ To please Bhagwan Dhanwantari, one must recite Dhanwantari Stotra on this day.
❀ Diwali is celebrated from the day of Dhanteras and preparations are made to welcome Devi Lakshmi. As a sign of Lakshmi's feet, small footprints are made from Rangoli to the inside of the house. Lakshmi is worshiped in the evening by lighting 13 diyas. It is believed that on this day Lakshmi Puja brings prosperity, happiness and success.

Related NameDhantrayodashi, Dhanwantari Trayodashi, Dhanwantari Jayanti, Dhanya Teras, Dhyan Teras
Begins TithiKartik Krishna Triyodashi
ReasonMata Lakshmi

धनतेरस हिन्दी में पढ़ें

भगवान धन्वन्तरि का जन्म हुआ था, इसलिए इस तिथि को धनतेरस या धनत्रयोदशी के नाम से जाना जाता है। जैन आगम में धनतेरस को धन्य तेरस या ध्यान तेरस भी कहते हैं।

Dhanteras Muhurat 2024

Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Dhanteras Puja Muhurta - 6:31 PM to 8:13 PM
Pradosh Kaal - 5:38 PM - 8:13 PM

Kartika Krishna Trayodashi Tithi : 29 October 2024,10:31 AM - 30 October 2024,1:15 PM

What to do on the Dhanteras?

❀ When Dhanwantari appeared, he had an amrit kalash in his hands. Bhagwan Dhanwantari appeared with kalash, that is why there is a tradition of buying utensils on this occasion.
❀ Somewhere, according to popular belief, it is also said that buying money (goods) on this day increases it 13 times.
❀ On this occasion, even after buying coriander seeds, people keep them in the house. People sow these seeds in their gardens or fields after Diwali.
❀ On the day of Dhanteras, worship Kuber, the god of wealth, in the Tijori.
❀ Worship by placing whole coriander in front of Lakshmi Mata even on the night of Diwali. The next day in the morning, spread whole coriander in a pot or in the garden. It is believed that if a healthy green plant comes out from whole coriander, then the financial condition is good.
❀ During Dhanteras Lakshmi Puja should be performed during Pradosh Kaal which starts after sunset and lasts for about 2 hours 24 minutes. It is auspicious to donate lamps and worship Lakshmi during Pradosh period.

Significance of the day of Dhanteras

It is believed that there is no shortage of money in the house by worshiping ritually on this day. It is a tradition to buy utensils on this day. Exactly two days after this, Diwali is celebrated. 'Dhan' means prosperity and 'teras' means thirteenth day.' In South India, cows are decorated and worshiped on this day. Cows are considered to be an incarnation of Lakshmi.

The creature who worships in the name of Yamraj on the Trayodashi night of Kartik Krishna Paksha and visits Deepmala in the south direction, he is not afraid of premature death. This is the reason why people keep a lamp outside the house in the south direction on this day.

Related Information

Futures Dates
6 November 202627 October 2027
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Kartik Krishna Triyodashi
October / November
Mata Lakshmi
Past Dates
29 October 2024, 10 November 2023, 22 October 2022, 2 November 2021
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