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🐟Cheti Chand - चेटी चंड

Cheti Chand Date: Monday, 31 March 2025
Cheti Chand

Cheti Chand is a most popular festival of Sindhi people which is also celebrated as Sindhi New Year. Cheti Chand is decided on second day of Navratri as per Hindu calendar ie Chaitra Shukla Dwitiya.

The Sindhi community celebrates Cheti Chand as birth anniversary of their Ishtadeva Shri Jhulelal also called as Lal Sai, Uderolal, Varun Dev, Doolhalal, Dariyalal and Zinda Pir.

During the Cheti Chand festival, the Sindhi community makes a number of dishes, among which Sindhi Mitho Lolo, Sindhi Tahiri, Sindhi Curry Rice, Sindhi Koki, Sev Mithai or Sindhi Singhar are prominent.

Related NameJhulelal Jayanti, Sindhi New Year
Begins TithiChaitra Shukla Dwitiya
Reason Avatran Day Of Shri Jhulelal Maharaj
CelebrationsFast, Bhajan, Kirtan, Dancing, Mela, Shri Jhulelal Temple.

चेटी चंड हिन्दी में पढ़ें

चेटी चंड सिंधी लोगों का एक सबसे लोकप्रिय त्योहार है जिसे सिंधी नववर्ष के रूप में भी मनाया जाता है।

Related Information

Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Chaitra Shukla Dwitiya
Ends Tithi
Chaitra Shukla Dwitiya
March / April
Avatran Day Of Shri Jhulelal Maharaj
Fast, Bhajan, Kirtan, Dancing, Mela, Shri Jhulelal Temple.
Imp Places
Jhulelal Mandir, Sindhi Samaj Dharmshal, Sindh Province in India and Pakistan
Past Dates
9 April 2024, 22 March 2023, 2 April 2022, 13 April 2021, 26 March 2020
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