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🔱Charak Puja - चरक पूजा

Charak Puja Date: Monday, 14 April 2025
Charak Puja

Charak Puja, also known as Neel Puja, is a Hindu folk festival held in honor of Bhagwan Shiva. This festival is celebrated in India especially in West Bengal. In Bangladesh this festival is counted as the last day of Chaitra month. The festival is celebrated on the midnight of Chaitra Sankranti, the last day of Chaitra month in the Bengali calendar, which usually falls around 14–15 April.

How Charak Puja is celebrated:
❀ People believe that performing Charak Puja pleases Bhagwan Shiva and the festival brings prosperity by removing the sorrows and sufferings of the previous year.
❀ Preparation usually starts a month in advance. The team arranging the festival goes from village to village to procure paddy, oil, sugar, salt, honey, money and other items required for the rituals. On the midnight of Sankranti, the worshipers gather together to worship Shiva and Maa Durga for success and after the puja prasad is distributed.
❀ It is also known as Hajra Puja. On this day women do not eat food before worship.
❀ Sometimes a human Charak is prepared in this festival to please Lord Shiva. The charak is tied to a hook on its back and is then swung around a bar by a long rope. Although it is risky, they arrange it.

A similar festival in Maharashtra is called Bagad, while in Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh it is called Sirimanu Utsavam. Bagad Charaka Puja is a similar concept to the Indian parallel of Gajan or the Mexican Danza de los Voladores.

Related NameCharak Puja, Neel Puja, Chaitra Sankranti, Charak Puja, Sirimanu Utsavam, Bagad
Begins TithiChaitra Sankranti
ReasonLord Shiva
CelebrationsBhajan Kirtan

चरक पूजा हिन्दी में पढ़ें

चरक पूजा, एक हिंदू लोक उत्सव है जो भगवान शिव के सम्मान में आयोजित किया जाता है जिसे नील पूजा के नाम से भी जाना जाता है । यह त्योहार भारत में विशेष रूप से पश्चिम बंगाल में मनाया जाता है। बांग्लादेश में इस त्योहार को चैत्र महीने के आखिरी दिन के रूप में गिना जाता है।

Related Information

Futures Dates
14 April 202614 April 2027
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Chaitra Sankranti
Lord Shiva
Bhajan Kirtan
Imp Places
West Bengal
Past Dates
14 April 2024, 14 April 2023
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