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☀️Chaitra Purnima - चैत्र पूर्णिमा

Chaitra Purnima Date: Saturday, 12 April 2025
Chaitra Purnima

The full moon of Chaitra month is very important in the scriptures. It is also called Madhu Purnima and Chaitha Poonam. On Chaitra Purnima waking up before sunrise, bathing in the holy river, donating, and fasting pledge fulfill wishes. According to astrology, the full moon date has the most impact on the human mind and body. Purnima Tithi affects humans because of the primacy of the water element in the human body. On 27 April, 2021 Chitra Purnami will be celebrated.

Worship Bhagwan Satyanarayan
According to the Dharmasindhu Granth and Brahma Vaivarta Puran, on the full moon date of Chaitra month, all kinds of sins are destroyed by pilgrim bath, donation, fast and worshiping Bhagwan Srihari. Worshiping Shrihari and Devi Lakshmi on this day leads to the attainment of Akhand Lakshmi. On this day, the moon shines in the sky with its sixteen arts, with its unique shade and clean moonlight.

Fasting on the full moon, recounting the story of Bhagwan Satyanarayan brings wealth and wealth. On this day, Hanuman Jayanti is worshiped by Bhagwan Hanuman. From this day, the bathing of Vaishakh month also starts. By offering arghya to the sun at sunrise one gets the grace of the Bhagwan.

The Chandra Grah Dosh has faults away
On this day, all the sins of humans are destroyed by listening to the story of Bhagwan Satyanarayan. Watering the moon on this day improves the position of the Chandra Grah in the horoscope. Donating Chaitra Purnima to a needy person or a learned Brahmin gets manifold results of that donation. Worshiping Krishna on this day gives him grace.

Related Namechaitra purnima

चैत्र पूर्णिमा हिन्दी में पढ़ें

चैत्र पूर्णिमा पर सूर्योदय के पूर्व उठकर पवित्र नदी, सरोवर या कुंड में स्नान करने, दान करने और व्रत पूजा के संकल्प से मनोकामनाएं पूर्ण होती है।

When is Chaitra Purnima?

Tuesday, 23 April 2024 [Satyanarayan Vrat]

Chaitra Purnima Tithi : 23 April 2024, 3:25am - 24 April 2024, 5:18am

Related Information

Futures Dates
2 April 202620 April 2027
Past Dates
23 April 2024, 5 April 2023, 16 April 2022, 27 April 2021
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