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🍀Bishnoi Sthapana Divash - बिश्नोई स्थापना दिवस

Bishnoi Sthapana Divash Date: Monday, 13 October 2025
Bishnoi Sthapana Divash

Bishnoi Sthapana Divash is celebrated as the established day of Bishnoi sect in Kartik Krishna Ashtami 1485. The sect was founded by Guru Jambheshwar. The meaning of Bishnoi is derived from the word Vishnu, the followers of Vishnu. As per different thought, Bishnoism has 29 principles to be followed. Bish means 20 and noi means 9. Thus, Bishnoi translates as Twenty-Niners.

Bishnois are strongly lovers of natture and wild animals. Initially, most of the people who adopted the Bishnoi sect were from the Jat community. Therefore, Bishnoi community is also called Bishnoi Jats in some places.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji gave the credit of Champion of Earth Award 2018 to Vishnoi Samaj. And also called the tradition of Bishnoiyo sacrificing for the environment a unique event in world history.

Related NameOrigin Day of Bishnoi, Bishnoi Establishment Day
Begins TithiKartik Krishna Ashtami
ReasonBishnoi Sect Establishment Day
CelebrationsFast, Bhajan/Kirtan, Prayers in Temple

बिश्नोई स्थापना दिवस हिन्दी में पढ़ें

बिश्नोई स्थापना दिवस सन् 1485 से कार्तिक कृष्णा अष्टमी को बिश्नोई संप्रदाय के द्वारा मनाया जाता है। इस संप्रदाय की स्थापना गुरु जम्भेश्वर जी ने की थी।

Bishnoi Sthapana Divas Celebration

Bishnoi Sthapana Divas Celebration

Related Information

Futures Dates
1 November 202622 October 202711 October 202830 October 2029
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Kartik Krishna Ashtami
Ends Tithi
Kartik Krishna Ashtami
October / November
Bishnoi Sect Establishment Day
Fast, Bhajan/Kirtan, Prayers in Temple
Imp Places
Mukti Dham Mukam, Bikaner Rajasthan
Past Dates
24 October 2024, 5 November 2023, 18 October 2022, 29 October 2021

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