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👑Agrasen Jayanti - अग्रसेन जयंती

Agrasen Jayanti Date: Monday, 22 September 2025
Agrasen Jayanti

Agrasen Jayanti is celebrated as the birthday of Maharaj Agrasen on the first day of Ashwin Shukla Pratipada i.e. Navratri. Maharaj Agrasen was born at the end of Dwapar Yuga, contemporary to Bhagwan Shri Krishna.

Agrasen was the eldest son of King Vallabh Sen, who fought on the side of Pandavas in the Mahabharata war. He was married to Madhavi, a very beautiful snake girl.

Maharaj Agrasen had 18 sons, those 18 sons were given the resolution of the Yagya, which was fulfilled by 18 rishis. On the basis of these rishi’s, the subsidiary gotras of Vaishya society were born.

Agrasen Jayanti is celebrated as the biggest festival in Agarwal society. The entire society gathers together and organizes the Jayanti with grand procession and worship with gaiety. Along with the Aggarwal society, which comes under the Vaish society, Jain, Maheshwari, Khandelwal etc. also consider this event with grand way.

Agroha Dham is the most revered religious place of Maharaj Agrasen ji in Vaish society. Where lakhs of devotees come for darshan on Agrasen Jayanti.

Related NameMaharaja Agrasen Jayanti
Begins TithiAshvin Shukla Pratipada

अग्रसेन जयंती हिन्दी में पढ़ें

आश्विन शुक्ल प्रतिपदा अर्थात नवरात्री के प्रथम दिवस को महाराज अग्रसेन के जन्म दिवस के रूप में अग्रसेन जयंती मनाई जाती है।

Related Information

Futures Dates
11 October 202630 September 2027
Yearly / Annual
1 Days
Begins Tithi
Ashvin Shukla Pratipada
Ends Tithi
Ashvin Shukla Pratipada
September / October
Past Dates
3 October 2024, 15 October 2023, 26 September 2022, 7 October 2021
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