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Why is it necessary to keep water in puja house? (पूजा घर में जल रखना क्यों आवश्यक है?)

Many such things have been written in our religious scriptures which we have been following for centuries. One of these is the necessity of keeping water at the place of worship. Keep water in a vessel along with any other object in the worship house.
How to keep water in puja house
❀ According to jyotish shastra, keep water in a copper or other metal vessel in the temple of the house. Keep changing this water regularly and sprinkle it in every corner of the house. Sprinkling water in the house brings positive energy.

❀ Along with this it is also said that water kept in the worship room absorbs negativity. Copper is considered the most sacred metal to store water. That's why it is most auspicious to keep water in it. Keeping water filled in a copper vessel is considered auspicious for the progress of the house.

Importance of water in the house of worship according to mythology:
❀ It is said that the water kept in the place of worship is a symbol of the fact that you are also offering food to God along with water so that he can take water along with the food.
❀ It is also written in our scriptures that by always keeping a pot of water at the place of worship, prosperity remains in the house. Keeping water in a copper vessel at the place of worship is considered more auspicious.
❀ People also believe that by keeping water at the place of worship, a person's wishes are also fulfilled and energy circulates in the house.

Aachaman is performed with water after the aarti:
It is a belief that whenever the aarti ends after worship, the aarti is performed with water only. The reason for doing this is that water is worshiped in the form of Varuna Dev and he protects everything in the world.

That's why it is advised to keep water in the worship room as well, so that all the deities as well as the family members can be protected. Worship is considered incomplete without offering water at the time of Aarti.

पूजा घर में जल रखना क्यों आवश्यक है? हिन्दी में पढ़ें

हमारे धर्म शास्त्रों में ऐसी कई बातें लिखी गई हैं जिनका हम सदियों से पालन करते आ रहे हैं। इन्हीं में से एक है पूजा के स्थान पर जल रखने की अनिवार्यता। पूजा घर में किसी अन्य वस्तु के साथ एक पात्र में जल भी रखें।
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